What you're looking for is largely the opposite of what we saw for the [1mm tall robots](https://worldbuilding.stackexchange.com/questions/40633/how-would-i-know-if-i-were-a-1-mm-tall-robot).

Surface tension of water is a noticeable thing, there's a clear bulge that would seem smaller than memory suggests it should on any given surface. Of course we're not looking at such a pronounced effect in this case, but it would be significantly reduced.

Gravity would have interesting effects, jumping or falling body height would have a considerably greater impact than expected. The square cube law would make things like sudden changes of direction inexplicably harder.

Assuming it's the same world, your biggest giveaway could be the distance to the horizon.  A 6 foot tall person would see a 3 mile horizon, a 10 foot tall person would see a 4 mile horizon. At 10m (32ft) tall they're looking at a horizon distance around 7miles (11km).