Looking into the question as asked, and looking at the salient comments to it - I see only one outcome.
Addressing the logical fallacy here: what noone seems to have noticed is that the first time that one opens a portal to another parallel world - according to the rule that until a portal is opened, there is no divergence, thus, when a portal is opened to a world, the equivalent person on that world is opening a portal to a world on which the equivalent person is opening a portal rinse & repeat.
When the first portal opens - an infinite number of worlds springs into being - according to your specification in the question apparently you have the address to all of these? How big is your address book? On your hard drive?
What you have is an infinite number of universes, with an infinitley massive hard drive.
In each.
Each and every universe collapses upon its'self from within it's Hubble horizon creating a supermassive blackhole billions of times larger than any seen since the last civilisation tried this.
Noone makes any profit, except the hyper-dimensional gameplayers who made bets on whether they could trick you into this in the first place.