Everyone gets the same present - a letter about sending your personal data
This year we will all get a letter about the updated general terms and conditions and how you will be required to send a certain set of information to Santa so that he may send you your presents next year. Everyone will be required to send their address, name and age. You will also have to allow your parents to send Santa the data about you being nice or naughty. In case you don't want to disclose the naughty-or-nice information you will receive a generic probably-not-that-naughty present, which will most likely consist of old chocolate he found lying around in the elven workshops.
Be careful to send your data as fast as you can. It will be harder to get into contact with Santa after the timeframe he had allocated for everyone to send in their address, name and age. If you don't send that information you will receive nothing because Santa is not allowed to use your address any longer. If he still sends you something you can sue him - and thereby make sure that lots of children will cry because they won't get any presents after the EU is done with Santa. Good job, now it's clear on which list you are...
There is also talk about Santa cooperating with the Easter Bunny in 2019 for a late present delivery.