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Commonmark migration

Moving things into low earth orbit might be an option. You could make your ten million dollars with only a single delivery to the ISS.

The space shuttle cost \$1.5 Billion per launch. Billion.
NASA is working on a rocket that only costs \$500 Million per launch.
Falcon 9 launch costs an average of \$57 million, which works out to less than \$2,500 per pound to orbit.

If they can move something the size of a car, even if they can only do it once a day, you're talking huge profits.

If you have the option to tell one person

Have the leader befriend Elon Musk, get him to sign an NDA, then offer to ferry some small things up, like fuel. He launches a rocket with a deep space probe with just enough fuel to get into LEO. Then you take up enough fuel to finish the mission.

It takes a lot of fuel to launch the amount of fuel you'll need to get to Mars and beyond. The cost savings for Space X would be really big.

To get around people discovering your secret

This is how you get around people trying to figure out how you get things move from A to B so quickly and accidentally discover your secret: you announce to the world that you have invented The Teleporter. The box uses quantum entanglement to break the laws of physics and sends object at distance faster than the speed of light!

It'll immediately get dismissed as a hoax, and any evidence that you are actually teleporting things will be taken as trickery. Now you can do whatever else you want to do in plain sight, and no-one will ever consider that you're actually teleporting stuff.

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