Additional to the other answers possibilities are:


heihohi could mean like 9 different things depending on how the syllables are spoken (a bit like Chinese/Vietnamese). However, in written form you should then find differences.

heihòhi héihohi heihohí. - It's very nice today.

**Position in sentence**

Oi at the beginning of a sentence could mean "to" and at the end "not" and in the middle some form of be.

Oi oi or oi oi. - To be or be not. 

**Number of repeats**

No could mean no and "no no" could mean really no.

A dog and a a cats make a a a animals?

**Some empty phrases that are required for some reason**

Xuxu might mean "Listen to me" and must be placed after every other words. Oki might mean "That's clear."

The earth oki and the sun oki are very big oki oki.

**Some important religious concept**

Om says, that the Omnious ways tell us that the highest flow of Om giving the best crop is in spring and Om will provide us with everything, Om will help us, Om, so let's Om.

All in all, it all sounds a bit strange to us, the biggest problem is surely to make the language not seem overly redundant which might look too artificial.