Could a mirror/s be made to reflect one side of the Earth from the edge of the solar system and viewed with a optical or radio telescope that is in orbit? With night vision, along with radio and thermal measurements, could something like this be used like CCTV for the World?

Blurring from the atmosphere can be mitigated by having the telescope in orbit aimed at the distant mirror/s which is aimed at a targeting mirror in synchronous orbit which is aimed at the Earth.  The mirror in orbit can be moved to see different points on Earth. The telescope and mirror orbiting the Earth would be accommodating the not so adjustable long distant mirror. 

In the comments: What if the Hubble was aimed at the Earth so that you could see stuff on a table, but it would be blurry. The fact that you could see anything at all on a table is impressive. Therefore, could it see a gun firing at night, or the color of a car, or when and where a plane went missing, although it may be blurry?

I understand that radio telescopes do not work the same as optical telescopes, but could radio telescopes also see better in this arrangement?

[![An image of a Magnetic Sail][1]][1]
