Questions tagged [slavery]

For questions about slaves, the act of enslaving someone or slavery as an economic system.

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74 votes
22 answers

How do I keep my slaves happy?

A year ago, feline mammalian space pirates, a remnant of a collapsed civilization, conquered earth with their advanced technology (their civilization was Kardashev type I) and built a megacity on the ...
Seraph Myrmidon's user avatar
74 votes
32 answers

Why Would Aliens Enslave Humans?

Often in science fiction, we see aliens enslaving humans for one reason or another. This is a trope I'm attempting to repurpose, but before I go any farther, I'd like to ask: what possible motive or ...
C. S. Wright's user avatar
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15 votes
7 answers

What would be the best way to capture a Giant?

After years of meticulous planning and crushing any and all opposition I've set my sights on conquering other races and nations. One group that I believe would be a valuable asset for my expanding ...
icewar1908's user avatar
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12 votes
9 answers

How might a functioning government condone slavery with laws in place forbidding it?

I'm building a world based in a mid-future dystopia, where the government has consolidated all sovereign power under its control but has imploded under debt and now basically exists to funnel wealth ...
KeithS's user avatar
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11 votes
9 answers

If people had magic powers, how would it affect slavery?

Let me provide some insight to my magic system. 75-95% of people have magic powers. (Depending on where you are.) These powers manifest themselves any time from birth to the end of puberty. These ...
Xandar The Zenon's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

What modern day structure could fit the criteria for the slavers?

So, out in Den, Colorado, the slave trade is absolutely booming. Slaves from nearby tribal villages and towns like Boulder and Five Families are always coming in and out, and honorable entrepreneurs ...
DT Cooper's user avatar
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4 votes
10 answers

How do I ensure compliance in criminals turned cannon fodder without completely eliminating their effectiveness?

I have been tasked by my immediate superiors to design a process that transforms convicted criminals into expendable assets without compromising their effectiveness. Their desire is to minimize cost ...
Syzygy's user avatar
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