Questions tagged [rogue-planets]

Used for questions regarding a free-floating planet independent of any star.

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4 votes
1 answer

Could a planet be ejected from a system by a rogue planet? (possibly in a binary pairing)

Assuming an earth-like Solar System with an earth-like planet, would it be possible for a rogue planet travelling at a high speed to disrupt the earth-like planet's orbit so as to leave the solar ...
8 votes
3 answers

The Frozen Star - Can U-238 reactors be used as a energy source for 10,000 years?

I was watching this Minecraft Animation video based on a scientific concept about what would happen if we froze the Sun - What happens if we Freeze The Sun- Portrayed by Minecraft. In this video, ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Local surface warming on a rogue planet [closed]

There have been several previous questions about geothermal warming of a rogue planet with regard to depth: how much overlying atmosphere, water, rock do you need for a given geothermal flux to ...
2 votes
2 answers

Could a captured planet end up in the habitable zone of a new star system?

Is it possible for a planet to be ejected from one star system and end up in the habitable zone of another? Or do captured planets always end up in wide, eccentric orbits? I guess in the vast expanse ...
4 votes
3 answers

Is this rogue planet capture process possible?

I have a prelude to a story that involves a rogue planet entering the solar system. However, I am concerned about its realism. All of this is supposed to be based on real physics and rules; there's ...
5 votes
4 answers

Big and fast rogue planet

There is a big, very big planet that is travelling fast, very fast. It’s a rogue planet (not attached to a star system). It’s going to pass close, very close to the earth. The earth is probably going ...
5 votes
3 answers

Could my planet sustain life?

Could my rogue planet sustain/evolve complex multicellular life in its oceans? Details The planet is very volcanically/tectonically active. The planet is about 1.25 the size of earth. The planet has a ...
0 votes
4 answers

Fire Planet as a light/heat source for my planets

So, basically, I was looking for a alternate light/heat source for my science-fiction novel which I am planning to write. I didn't rely on stars due to some reasons that I omitted from the original ...
8 votes
6 answers

Thorne Zytkow Planets $-$ Can a Gas Giant have a Neutron Star core?

Said gas giant is about 5 times the mass of Jupiter, hence a Super-Jupiter. This gas giant is rogue and has no parent star. Its composition is the same as regular gas giant, i.e. it is composed of ...
19 votes
11 answers

How to reignite a sun?

I just had an idea in a sci-fi setting for an alien race that has re-emerged, but I don't know how plausible it is or if there is anything to make it more plausible. Consider a conventional universe, ...
4 votes
1 answer

Can Logoworld - the planet in the worldbuilding SE logo - exist as depicted?

I really like the logo at Worldbuilding SE; it features a polyhedral planet and a beautiful city with a flying whale ship. That planet is particularly neat. Light glances off its facets, resulting in ...
2 votes
3 answers

Is the following rogue planet's atmosphere setup possible?

This is part of a series of question. Context: For a story, we would like a rogue planet to have certain characteristics. I hesitated to split the question by characteristics, but unfortunately they ...
3 votes
3 answers

How slow and and how close could a rogue planet pass by the Solar System not to have catastrophic consequences on Earth Orbit?

This is part of a series of questions. Context: a friend of mine is writing a novel about a rogue planet around the mass of Mars passing by the solar system before continuing its journey in ...
2 votes
1 answer

Consequences of living on either of two habitable planets orbiting a super-Earth? [closed]

I'm working on a habitable planetary system just at the doorstep of the Solar System. I'd like it to be unique, so I'm thinking of using two habitable planets orbiting a super-Earth. The super-Earth ...
2 votes
2 answers

How would geothermal heating affect ocean currents on a rogue planet?

On earth, the ocean's surface currents are influenced somewhat by the tides, but more by wind, and we have wind because the air at the equator heats up more than the air at the poles, causing low- and ...
4 votes
2 answers

How could a starship take on a planet-massed passenger without noticing?

tl;dr: How could one ship transfer a planetary massed being to another ship without them noticing the gravity field during the operation? How could two ships rendezvous in deep space with one of ...
2 votes
2 answers

How quickly will the oceans freeze if Earth becomes a rogue planet?

Assume Earth has been wrenched out of the Sun's orbit and has become a rogue planet (for the purposes of this question, assume that it happens near instantaneously, i.e. say the Sun just vanishes). ...
3 votes
1 answer

How do I get Ironclads/Submarines lifted into an in-atmosphere wormhole that leads into another identical one?

I am working on some lore for an overhaul mod, but I want to try to stay away from handwavium as much as I can, at first. There's two terran planets connected by many stable wormholes, the most ruckus ...
3 votes
5 answers

What would the color of flora on a Rogue Planet be?

Question in the title. A Rogue planet is a sunless world that exists in interstellar space. It might be possible for life to develop on one, but what happens when that happens? I've seen people say ...
4 votes
1 answer

How deep would the frozen atmosphere be?

I have a rough planet with the following specs: Data Value Mean Radius: 4886.4 km (almost 50% larger than mars) Surface Area: 3.00046x10^8 km^2 (0.58 Earths) Volume: 4.88715x10^11 km^3 (0.45 ...
5 votes
1 answer

Complexity of ecosystems in oceans of rogue planets

I'm looking into building a setting for my alien biosphere. I thought that a rogue terrestrial planet, ejected from its home system and then developing life underneath the ice of its deep oceans, with ...
3 votes
1 answer

What would a society living on a rogue planet look and be like? [closed]

I am a huge Doctor Who fan and one of my favorite Doctor who stories is Big Finish´s Doctor Who Spare Parts. This story takes place on earth´s twin Mondas, the story is at some point in the past ...
2 votes
2 answers

Maintaining an atmosphere in deep space

Background: Imagine there is a planet in a solar system which has an atmosphere (let's say it is similar to our own atmosphere, but it doesn't have to be) and a very technologically advanced species ...
11 votes
6 answers

How to make a rogue planet liveable?

Rogue planets are generally not to healthy for us humans to live on. No permanent source of heat or light means that generally they are a pretty cold place. Plenty of other problems arise too, but ...
10 votes
5 answers

Can any manmade vessels float on ocean of liquid nitrogen?

Humanity is finally reaching the interstellar space and had discovered a terrestrial planet covered in liquid nitrogen, the planet is orbiting a star thrice as massive as Sun but is too further away ...
14 votes
5 answers

Could a rogue planet be the host of a planetary system?

That is to say, could a planet be big enough to have other planets orbiting around, while not orbiting around any star? Cha 110913 seems to be close to what I'm looking for, but its classification is ...
5 votes
1 answer

TImeline of Rogue Earth

I have seen a video from Kurzgesagt that goes into some details about what would happen should the Earth be flung outside the solar system. It says that by the time Earth's altitude relative to the ...
7 votes
2 answers

Can a rogue planet have a habitable surface due to geothermal heat?

I am making a rogue planet. Right now it is a super-earth with a lot of radioactive materials in its core. It rotates very quickly as well. However, it needs to be habitable. And not just the deep ...
2 votes
2 answers

Plantlife seasons on the moon of a rogue planet

My moon is about twice the size of Earth, and orbits its planet from far away. It has no sun as it orbits a rogue planet, however its planet stretches it due to tidal heating, and thus it has heat. ...
1 vote
2 answers

What if aliens recieved a rogue Earth?

Imagine: You are a member of an alien species, uncomparable to most living things on Earth, and living on an arid planet, around country sized oases. During your version of the 1800's your star ...
1 vote
4 answers

Efficient way and rough design to detect rogue planets in interstellar space

Let's imagine a civilization that has a way of colonizing rogue planets (ones not orbiting a star). It would want to expand, and therefore search for new worlds. What physical principle and rough ...
1 vote
3 answers

Moon-moons of moons of rogue planets

So, I had this idea. It takes place on the moon of a rogue planet. This moon has moons, or moon-moons. The inhabitants need to be able to see all the moons as well as the planet they orbit- how is ...
1 vote
2 answers

Long range communication on a rogue Earth?

Imagine that, for unknown reasons, the Earth has left the solar system. It has been a while now since the event. It's so cold outside that the polar caps met at the equator and the atmosphere froze ...
3 votes
4 answers

Earth-sized Moon with Host Planet launched from Star System

Could a planet with the size and characteristics of the Earth orbit a gas giant and would the earth-like moon be able to maintain its orbit if the gas giant went rogue and was launched from its host ...
5 votes
4 answers

Planet with double the orbital period of Earth

I need a planetary system for my novel where an Earth-like warm habitable planet has an orbital period of about 650 to 730 days. I know that is similar to Mars and that Mars would be too cold. What ...
6 votes
4 answers

Colonies on Jupiter

I'm making a series where a multi-purpose frigate travels to Jupiter in order to help in the Mars versus Jupiter war. However, I don't know what the colonies would look like. Maybe floating with ...
3 votes
1 answer

Binary planets that are not tidally locked

The story takes place in Alpha Centauri, with this binary orbiting just over 1 AU from Rigil Kentaurus. The star system will tightly packed, but following the 10 Mutual Hill Radii separation setup. ...
4 votes
2 answers

Possible compositions of a rogue binary system?

I am attempting to construct a world that is primarily lit by light filtered through and reflected off of a crystalline moon so that, at its brightest, the planet receives about the same amount of ...
3 votes
4 answers

After surviving a black hole/wormhole, what are the chances of Earth start orbiting in a new solar system?

In the event of our sun suddenly becoming a black hole or wormhole of sorts. It transports the earth to another solar system similar to ours. Would it be possible for our planet to start circling ...
5 votes
3 answers

Surface temperature of a icy rogue planet

A certain imaginary stellar system had once a water world. But instead of evaporating away under the stellar wind, this lucky (or unlucky?) water world (made of only water and a gaseous atmosphere) ...
9 votes
1 answer

Geothermal gradients if Earth becomes a rogue planet?

Assume Earth has been wrenched out of the Sun's orbit and has become a rogue planet, with its surface equilibrium temperature falling to ~-240C. At what depth will temperatures remain "comfortable" ...
12 votes
5 answers

How might people try to stop the world becoming a rogue planet?

I'm working on a story about Earth or an Earth like planet with current or very near future levels of civilisation and technology drifting or speeding out of the solar system. Currently my method for ...
1 vote
0 answers

Super dense planet? [closed]

What's the most dense a planet could be and still be livable? How does water factor into the overall density of the planet. Is something like an osmium or iridium core even be possible/realistic? If ...
1 vote
5 answers

Can we move the moon to use as a shield?

Do we have the capability of moving the Moon just a little bit to time a intercept with a moon size asteroid like the one in the picture? It just said that if we could intercept an asteroid far out ...
8 votes
1 answer

Could a planetary nebula obscure the presence of a black hole/neutron star?

I have a civilization that lives on a planet located inside a nebula (and orbiting a normal, sun-like star). Would this nebula somehow interfere with/ obscure the sight of a rogue neutron star/ ...
2 votes
0 answers

Could a rogue planet support life? [duplicate]

I was wondering whether a free floating planet could potentially host life. If so, how? I was thinking of a geothermically active planet, where the only source of heat comes within the planet itself. ...
6 votes
6 answers

Can a planet have a different gravitational pull depending on its location in orbit around its sun?

As the title say, can a planet have a different gravitational pull depending on its location in orbit around its sun? Is this explainable without magic?
4 votes
2 answers

How does steppenwolf planet generates typhoon?

In a distant future, a spaceship was investigating a gravitational anomaly somewhere within a chartered sector in the Andromeda galaxy. A disaster strikes and the spaceship was found marooned on a ...
30 votes
2 answers

Earth becomes a rogue planet - how long can Iceland hold out?

Inspired by this question and my comment on one of the answers. If the earth were flung out of the solar system, it would rapidly become far too cold for any unprotected life to survive on the ...
11 votes
4 answers

What if Earth became a rogue planet? [duplicate]

I'm writing a science fiction novel in which Earth essentially gets the boot out of our Solar System. No sun, no moon, just Earth flying through the depths of deep space. I need to nail down rogue ...