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Indium and Gallium Toxicity: Part 2

Note: This is the second part of a question. The first part can be found here. Incorporating some feedback from the answers I got to the question above, I have made a few changes. Here is some ...
Neil Iyer's user avatar
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Indium and Gallium Toxicity: Part 1 [closed]

I am making a planet and my crust is rich in gallium and its heavy counterpart, indium from a cosmic fluke (gallium and indium are both at a concentration of about 0.01% in the crust). However, most ...
Neil Iyer's user avatar
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How much toxin could an elephant-sized amphibian put out through its skin?

I have a species of creature that is mostly amphibian in nature, though its size is probably more comparable to an Indian elephant. Their skin, like a poison dart frog or other similar amphibians, is ...
starlightindex's user avatar
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How to make humans compatible with a high pressure CO2 atmosphere?

We've found a habitable planet around Procyon and do have the technology to settle it. However, it is in the outer part of its systems habitable zone. So while it has a well-developed and mostly ...
TheDyingOfLight's user avatar