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What color would plants be on a hot spring planet? [duplicate]

I had an idea for an alien world I want to set a story on and if this question proves popular I might ask other questions regarding this world. The world in question is an earth like moon orbiting a ...
Jacob Badger's user avatar
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Would advanced Plantoids be plausible? [closed]

Could it be plausible that if enough time given and favorable conditions are met, the dominant species of an alien planet could be a species of plant and by dominant I mean achieving sentience and ...
TobyB's user avatar
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If I made a plant that could float between clouds, what would it look like?

If I had complete control over the plant's appearance, what would be the best shape for it? I need the plant to be able to float between the clouds. It doesn't have to spend its whole life cycle ...
Nuloen The Seeker's user avatar