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2 answers

What training would prepare you to colonize Alpha Centauri Cb?

It's 100 years in the future. 7 strategic, catastrophic bombs fell on Earth 55 years ago. Billions died. Countries, governments collapsed. Corporations rose, mega-companies who rule the world, ...
reiterwriter's user avatar
3 votes
7 answers

Could a virus be used to terraform planets?

I came up with a society of insectoid aliens called Ebline, based on ants. Their class structure and stuff are very interesting, but their coolest tool is a virus called Cuulaziu. When they find a new ...
Jobah_HigherMind's user avatar
9 votes
10 answers

Why would humans build / send sample humanoid robots on an alien planet before humans arriving themselves?

Humans can send rovers and machines on other planets to navigate or to establish bases before human occupation begins. These rovers and machines are non-humanoid and suited to their mission roles. ...
mukul215's user avatar
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28 votes
21 answers

Why do people still live on earthlike planets?

Like our good SciFi prophet Isaac Arthur postulates, for a civilization with a decent space presence planets are overrated and rubbish. They're down there in the deep gravity well. There is no ...
Darth Biomech's user avatar
9 votes
10 answers

What would be a good reason for space colonists to lose their technology?

In my universe, humans nuked themselves in a war so thoroughly that the Earth has been rendered uninhabitable. As a result, they have to leave Earth and find a new home. They briefly tried to settle ...
The Weasel Sagas's user avatar
6 votes
8 answers

How would an advanced civilization on a space station not be able to explore the planet they orbit without significant time between each expedition?

Extremely advanced civilization on a computerized space station orbiting a desolate uninhabited planet. There are no other known civilizations within this station's sphere of observation. Not many ...
hjk321's user avatar
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12 votes
11 answers

What might cause an exoplanet to be uninhabitable for periods, that is not obvious to potential colonizers?

I am writing a science fiction short story, which is loosely about terraforming. The drama takes place on a terraforming site, which has been halted, in its early phases, due to the discovery that the ...
SusannahDean's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Are there any issues with using water as radiation shielding on a Martian colony?

Let's say that after decades of development there are now cities on Mars. Most of their facilities are located underground in order to protect them from radiation and small meteorites, as well as ...
D-Nate's user avatar
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