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9 answers

Is it biologically possible for one species to need another species to reproduce?

I'm writing a speculative story about a planet in another Solar System. On this planet, there are five types of reproduction strategies amongst the sapient species. There are androgenic, gynogenics, ...
Rhymehouse's user avatar
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Is This Living Planet Plausible?

My idea is an planet that is one living organism wrapped all around an rocky foundation. It orbits an sun of one solar mass, and has an Earthlike radius. Its albedo is about 20%, so it gets 1098.4 W/m^...
TysonDennis's user avatar
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How would sulfur-based lifeforms behave physically and anatomically?

This is completely ignoring the fact that lifeforms that aren’t based on carbon are entirely hypothetical. Could these lifeforms breathe oxygen like us, or would they need to use some sort of ...
Niobium_Sage's user avatar
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Lizard-like creatures "swimming" through the sand?

I have been designing a whole solar system for my story, and I am finally able to come down to creatures on the planets. I have already asked a question about one of the planets, Veynerth, so there is ...
Alyssa S.'s user avatar
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What kind changes can be found on Earth if we have a red giant as our star [closed]

Let's suppose we have a red giant as our star, what kind of climate would be on Earth and will there be any change in plant, animal and human life both physically and mentally. What about the ...
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