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Can planet with three moons, have one tidal-locked both on rotation and revolution?

I'm a new D&D 5E Dungeon Master and I've found out recently about tidal locking. For the first RPG setting I'm preparing with a friend, the planet the players will be on has 3 moons. Me and ...
Zorgatone's user avatar
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What's a Good Sphere-Mapping Resource?

After reading the help sections for asking questions, I am now confident that my question does in fact appear to be on-topic and in scope for this website. I currently use a page called PlanetMaker ...
overlord's user avatar
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8 votes
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Creating a Realistic-Looking Rocky Moon

Originally I was going to ask for help in the process of designing moons in general, but this is such a vast topic that I decided to narrow it down. I'm trying to create rocky moons or planets. I ...
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How Can I Explain a Giant Equatorial Gash?

I have a moon in my story that has a thin, deep gash or canyon that lies on its equator and spans the entire moon. My original idea involved the sudden orbital decay of a ring system, caused by a ...
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