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Can a planet without a satellite be suitable and how will this affect its climate and appearance? [closed]

I want to create a planet where there will be 2 suns (small races nearby) and without the moon, so that it is very dark at night. But because of this there are many problems with water and geography, ...
Astra_ Rey's user avatar
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How large and compact could a cold east Mongolia-like steppe be on an Earth-sized planet?

Welcome to planet X! Planet X is the same as Earth in radius, composition, axial tilt and orbits star Y (identical to the Sun). Planet X has a moon known as moon Z (identical to Earth's moon). Could ...
Galactic's user avatar
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Is is plausible for an Earth-like planet to have all of its land located in one polar hemisphere?

I made a map for my fictional world and it would be convenient for the story to have all of it affected by a somewhat similar climate. The map is made of several pieces of a Pangaea-like continent ...
MadCake - Reinstate Monica's user avatar
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How big could a planet be and still have earth like conditions? [duplicate]

I am building a world that I would like to be as big as possible and still have very close to earth like conditions, gravity, weather, seasons, life and other things that are similar. Would things ...
Zurrock Wolfhart's user avatar
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corrected projections: Is this world map realistic? I tried to use plate tectonics to inform my mountain and island chain placements

1 degree of latitude = 96.57 km. Equirectangular projections. (Yes, I need to revise the polar regions to make sure they don't get squished.) Obliquity of Jasmi: +31.1 degrees. Radius of Jasmi: 0....
Rúnatál Davino's user avatar
8 votes
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Would residents of a small planet realize the planet is small?

I am considering setting my next D&D campaign on an earthlike but small planet. By "small," I am imagining a world that still feels vast, yet is circumnavigable over land and/or water with low or ...
Gday's user avatar
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What would a world with uneven gravity look like?

If there was to be a habitable planet, similar to earth, but with varying gravity at different points on its surface - lets pretend that it varies from .8g to 1.2g - what sort of terrain or form would ...
user2813274's user avatar