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Would my gas giant have rings?

The gas giant in question is about 3 times the mass of jupiter with a density of 3.58 grams per cubic centimeter. It formed naturally beyond the system's forstline and then migrated into the habitable ...
JuimyTheHyena's user avatar
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How changing planetary ring affects the migration of terrestrial fauna?

Imagine a gas giant as massive as Jupiter has a enormous planetary ring which will expand and contract throughout its orbit around a main sequence star. Then there is a moon as massive as Mars and ...
user6760's user avatar
  • 48.1k
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How to explain planetary rings pulsating?

A spacecraft enters an unnamed system and spotted a gas giant with a pulsating planetary ring, it glows bright intermittently. What natural phenomenon could be responsible for such brilliant display? ...
user6760's user avatar
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