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Questions tagged [paleontology]

For questions that involve ancient life on Earth and the study thereof

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39 votes
24 answers

If dinosaurs had a civilization, how primitive must it have been to leave no trace in the present?

I am thinking of, yes, a simple story with intelligent dinosaurs, but I am not interested (And I sincerely prefer) that they are not sufficiently advanced in my history to be comparable to modern ...
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4 votes
5 answers

What advantages/disadvantages would Homo Erectus have in a 19th Century military conflict?

Homo Erectus is one of the oldest of the Homo species that went extinct 100,000 years ago. Let's say that Homo Erectus made it to Australia and was isolated on that continent until British ...
ITM_Coder's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How to do dental surgery on a T-Rex tooth?

In my world, Dinohumania, dinosaurs and humans coexist. There are ways humans benefit from and utilize dinosaurs, mainly for industrial/laboral activities and heavy tasks. Humans try to maintain a ...
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