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Questions tagged [map-making]

For questions that have to do with the science or practice of drawing maps. If the question has to do with making maps this tag is a good fit. Note: This tag is about creating maps of physical features, not creating the physical features themselves nor using the maps for navigation. For that see the geography tag or navigation tag..

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4 votes
1 answer

Are there any good map builders for a 3d, non-planar map of unusual shape?

I'm currently in the start of worldbuilding for a TTRPG game set in a horror-sci-fi-fantasy pocket dimension that the characters fall through out of our standard world. The map is non-planar (or ...
-1 votes
2 answers

What types of themed maps should I put for my Fictional Planet? (Sorry for making it opinion based) [closed]

I have been working on this Fictional Planet for about 4 years and reset a couple of times along the way. I started working on maps of the whole planet with themes. So far, I have land features, ...
4 votes
1 answer

What would the climates/biomes on my fantasy continent be?

I've roughly marked out where I think a desert might naturally form according to the mountains, and plotted the rivers in a way that I think makes sense, but what other climates might I expect on this ...
3 votes
1 answer

Would the rain shadow effect cause this area to be a desert?

The arrows are the wind currents. This would affect this the most. The purple triangles are the mountains. They are similar in height to the Ural Mountains of western Russia.The turquoise area is ...
0 votes
1 answer

How many cultures can a world have without being too complicated? [closed]

I'm trying to create a dystopia that takes place on Pangea Proxima, and I'm using Azgaars Pantasy Map Generator to do it. As you probably know, Azgaars has a feature where the map has different ...
2 votes
3 answers

Where would mountains make sense on those land masses?

I created landmasses thanks to Azgaars Fantasy Map generator. It was not based on any consideration so far, like tectonic plates due to lack of expertise. It was done purely based on a personal ...
10 votes
6 answers

Equivalent of cardinal directions on a tidally-locked planet?

I am making a game with the explorable world divided into multiple labeled regions. There is great convenience and simplicity in being able to reference the cardinal directions when labeling these ...
16 votes
3 answers

Map generator for big world

There are several programs available that will generate a random map of an Earth-sized planet, complete with a choice of projections from sphere to 2-D representation. Are there any available that ...
11 votes
3 answers

Would it be possible to make a custom zoomable world map (kinda like google maps)?

Would it be possible to make a custom zoomable world map (kinda like google maps), where you can have all the cities of the world but are able to zoom out to the whole world (and no longer see the ...
8 votes
5 answers

Are the rivers in my fantasy map accurate?

Color legend: The brown shapes are hills, the darker the brown the higher the mountains and the highest peaks I've made white. They are mostly clustered on the east and west edges. The green shows ...
4 votes
2 answers

Realistic desert size?

I have figured out a fair bit of processes for my fictional world but am having trouble trying to decide if this desert is a realistic size. I have highlighted the area in yellow and a rainforest in ...
3 votes
4 answers

How to measure land area for a map?

Is there a site, app, or technique that you can use to measure the area of your world’s continents. It is rather easy to find the surface area of your world if the map is equirectangular or just a ...
5 votes
4 answers

How does one accurately deduce scale from any given fantasy map (to the best one can)?

Sometimes, a person might wish to know the touch scale of a map, whether made by another person or you, in order to better understand the world a story is taking place. How might one go about deducing ...
13 votes
6 answers

Mapping the far side of the galaxy

Humans got a one time ticket to the other side of the galaxy, traveling $2r$ in just a few days (where $r$ is the distance from earth to the super massive black hole: 28,000 lightyears) The stars we ...
4 votes
1 answer

Which map-making software is best suited for my interests?

I'm interested in creating a map for a world I've been creating. I've done some research to determine which software would suit me best, and it came down to Inkarnate, Campaign Cartographer, and ...
21 votes
9 answers

When starting a new village, what are the sequence of buildings built?

Obviously I know that everyone who is living there is going to want a house but what comes after? Do they build a butcher’s building next or maybe a blacksmith’s building? And what comes after that? ...
7 votes
2 answers

What Tools to use to generate a fantasy world map with some preset parameters?

I have a world I would like to use for a fiction I am using, and the free tools I got from google (first page) mostly don't do it well. The world is a Disc. The landmass is about 475 million square ...
3 votes
2 answers

Mapmaking: How do I project svg (and vectorial) maps?

I'm currently creating a worldmap. For technical reasons, I want to do it on a computer, as a vectorial image (I can't use pixel images because I need small details). For more accuracy, I want to have ...
3 votes
1 answer

Advice to start creating a plausible fantasy map with plate tectonics

I'm going to create a fantasy map for a speculative biology project, I had created some before, but this time I want to create a map with these characteristics: A supercontinent with 2 smaller ...
11 votes
6 answers

How would a world with drifting land-masses be mapped/charted for navigation?

Context The world is made of floating islands suspended in the atmosphere. For all intents and purposes, the world doesn't have a solid surface. Due to a magical influence, islands rise from the ...
4 votes
1 answer

No idea where a current should come from

I was designing a continent and I placed it pretty far south of the equator and far from basically everything (just below 20 degrees south) and have now run into an issue with the ocean currents on ...
4 votes
5 answers

Common -and unforgivable- mistakes to avoid when drawing a map? [closed]

I'm about to begin drawing a map for my fantasy world. Although I did draw a few maps in the past, I've never paid too much attention to making them realistic. This time around, I'd like to be able to ...
5 votes
1 answer

Is my map believable?

I am requesting feedback on my in-progress fantasy world map, primarily in 4 major areas: biomes rivers cities borders Do they make sense? If not, what should I change? Any observations or ...
0 votes
1 answer

Creating a map of a planet with a strange shape? (edited) [closed]

I have a planet that has an odd pull of gravity because it’s shape is an amalgamation of large landmasses merged together, and held in place by magic forces. Aside from the fact a shape like this on a ...
33 votes
17 answers

Best places to be on Earth when an all out nuclear World War III breaks out?

This is a world building question in a preventative context because those people or countries would be left fully functional while others are gone and the safe areas are where the world building would ...
0 votes
3 answers

Is my environmental map consistent?

This is the map of my alien planet's continents and I want to know if the environments are accurate. The symbol at the top is the Arctic island. It's like Greenland and has some greenery or should I ...
30 votes
15 answers

How would mapmakers deal with moving cities?

Imagine a city on treads; if you've seen or read Mortal Engines, imagine that instead. beep beep losers here I come They're constantly moving, and have decent populations. Don't worry about how it ...
8 votes
2 answers

What do you need to check to assess if your map is realistic?

Here you are: you are building your world, have come with a nice looking map for it, and now you are asking yourself if that map is realistic or if there is something you have overlooked. And you want ...
14 votes
4 answers

Is My Map Realistic?

I'm creating a continent for a story I'm developing. I was just wondering if this map looked realistic from a geographical point of view (weather, city placement, environment, etc.)? Thanks for any ...
1 vote
1 answer

Converting an Equitorial-Centered Azimuthal Projection into Equirectangular

The Problem I made a map of a tidally-locked world under the premise that I was drawing it as an Azimuthal Projection, or a Planar Projection or something like that (I'm afraid I don't know the ...
4 votes
1 answer

Does my world map make sense scientifically?

I'm currently working on a world map. This will be used for various things. I'm trying to get it realistic looking and I want it to make sense scientifically. It doesn't have to be 100% perfect, just ...
1 vote
0 answers

Which would be the Koppen-Geiger climate distribution of this map?

The existence of closed seas makes it difficult to me, especially the East one. I have it clear that in the souteast region the climate would be influenced by monzoon, but if the world has only one ...
4 votes
3 answers

Reasonable placement of tectonic plates

Im working on this little hobby project and i've come to the stage where i want an actual world map. So id decided to use one of the mapgens out there untill i found one i was happy with: Now i have ...
12 votes
4 answers

Underground Terrain Types / Biomes / Agriculture

I'm creating a fantasy-world generator. So far I've got it generating a reasonably good surface map, complete with terrain, cities, and borders. Here's a link for anybody who wants to try it: https://...
11 votes
2 answers

How do I design a map that looks old?

I'm in the process of designing an old map (18th or 19th century) and I would like it to look worn out. But then I was wondering where it should be more damaged. I would prefer to avoid damaging the ...
4 votes
5 answers

Making the Marauder's Map: Can I make a map that changes?

Those familiar with the Harry Potter series may be familiar with the Marauder's Map, a map that allows the holder to see where people are at any given time. It displays a person as a set of footprints ...
7 votes
2 answers

What would a map of an Earth that is 50% land look like?

This here is a plain, simple, good old-fashioned map of our planet: As everyone here would know, land makes up only 29% of the planet's surface. But suppose for a moment that someone has pulled the ...
4 votes
3 answers

Can someone please doublecheck my ocean currents map?

Just looking for another knowledgeable eye to see if they see any glaring errors with my ocean currents. The world is the same size as Earth, rotates the same direction, same prevailing winds, only ...
12 votes
3 answers

What would the star chart be like if earth had a ring?

Recently, I've seen those pictures showing what Earth would be like if it had rings, and that made me wonder, what would the sky map be like? This ring would appear as a fixed object (pretty much as ...
3 votes
4 answers

are my rivers and map little realistic

This is my first world map so I just need to know if said rivers are realistically flowing from point to point. And if you have other tips those would be helpful as well. Rivers flow from the ...
-2 votes
1 answer

Does squeezing image height/width distort true image scale? [closed]

My issue is specifically that I am making a map, but I am planning to use it in the digital format, where I am only limited to let say 1870x860 in size per map. The issue is that when I prepare the ...
5 votes
5 answers

Name for a neutral region created by multiple states

Four warring countries sign a compact to cease aggression. The compact establishes a city to act as neutral territory for economic and foreign policy meetings. The city has an independent government ...
4 votes
2 answers

How to explain the presence of tropical rainforest and temperate forest at an equal latitude near the equator, in a fictional world?

That's the rough outline of my fantasy world. The entire location is somewhat shifted towards the Northern Hemisphere because you can't see the polar ice caps of the southern hemisphere. Now, the dark ...
7 votes
3 answers

Confused on the way Natural Borders should work with mountains on a fantasy map

so I'm in the process of creating the map of my fantasy world, which has a medieval fantasy theme. I saw a few posts and videos, such as this one, that talk about using Natural Borders to define my ...
8 votes
2 answers

Tips for Improving a Fictional Map's Coastlines

So I've created a map of a fictional world using the guidelines established in the Creating a Realistic World Series. However, like all creative endeavors, the first few (hundred) maps are not going ...
4 votes
2 answers

How do i make a galaxy map similiar to this? This is a star wars galaxy map i found. I have inkarnate but i dont think its possible to make a galaxy map like this on it.If anyone knows of any tutorials that could ...
20 votes
5 answers

How do I put a rectangular map onto a globe?

I've spent time hand-drawing, and then scanning, and colorizing a world map using Paint.Net. The map uses a rectangular projection (something like an Equirectangular, Plate Caree, or Behrmann ...
5 votes
2 answers

How do you map the climates and biomes on a tidally locked planet with no Coriolis Effect?

I've been looking through some videos and reading up on mapping out climates and biomes for fictional worlds very similar to Earth (Artifexian's videos have been a huge help), but I have been curious ...
-5 votes
1 answer

Does anyone know of certain galaxies that are at certain distances from Earth?

Okay, I have this quadrumvirate of godlike aliens, each born far from Earth. I would like to make a map of the universe for their fictional homeworlds that use existing galaxies. I’ll refer to the ...
3 votes
2 answers

Himalayan sized/altitude mountains at the equator

I’m crafting a map for my world and I was wondering what the biomes of mountains the size and height of the Himalayan Range would be like at the equator? The region south of them has multiple large ...