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Questions tagged [isolation]

For questions which refer to a population which is disconnected/cutoff from the rest of the its kind.

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19 votes
8 answers

What would happen to a human Galapagos?

What would happen to a human settlement on Earth, on some deserted island, that had no contact with the outside world for a thousand years? Something like a human version of the Galapagos islands, ...
Scimonster's user avatar
41 votes
8 answers

What's the point of clothes?

I'm developing a world with many different races, many of whom live in relative isolation. I'm trying to understand how the fashion of each cultures/species would evolve. In our world we're obsessed ...
Liath's user avatar
  • 18.7k
28 votes
17 answers

Living on an Isolated Peninsula - Making it Impossible to Leave

This is one of a series of questions centered around how an isolated group of people would survive. Each question focuses on a single aspect of survival. Details about the peoples' situation are below:...
Thomas Reinstate Monica Myron's user avatar
23 votes
8 answers

How could a human civilization have happened to live underground, in Antarctica?

Let's assume a human civilization have been living for centuries, nay millennia, in a very large cave, not too deep under Antarctica - deep enough not to freeze, but shallow enough not to die because ...
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6 votes
3 answers

How would an isolated world grow its population, then keep it stable?

The scenario In the scenario that I'm imagining, a small group of people (ideally 100 or less) travel to a parallel universe and begin a new society. The new planet that they land on has one land ...
JubaSuperman's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

How many humans do you need to maintain a population indefinitely?

So this might be a slightly weird one, but I"ve seen answers to questions about minimum numbers for re-population and such, but what about a system where reproduction was controlled and coordinated, ...
TheOneWhoWalks's user avatar