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Questions tagged [invasion]

For questions in which a power forcefully occupies and claims a territory owned by another power.

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2 votes
15 answers

Why would aliens want to invade Earth? [closed]

Aliens invading earth is arguably a trope as old as old as the idea of life beyond the stars but many of the justifications for said invasions tend to be rather flimsy. Resources such as water or ...
icewar1908's user avatar
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18 votes
5 answers

Which Law Enforcement/Government Agencies Would Be Called to Respond to the Crash-landing of a UFO?

I'll keep this brief: I'm not too well versed in secret government protocol nor have I read enough sci-fi books on this type of matter. But simply put, in my story, a series of UFOs crash land around ...
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3 votes
3 answers

The alien invaders are all actually... beautiful women?! How will earth resist this? [closed]

Greetings. We are the Monogatrons. While your species was still toying with fire, ours mastered the science of functioning committed relationships. As the latest planet to develop our app you will now ...
LiveInAmbeR's user avatar
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17 votes
5 answers

How would a large invading alien vessel trick us into believing it's a much smaller asteroid?

In my book, Oumuamua was actually a large alien invasion/colony vessel. So, suppose we have an invading ~100 km long alien colony ship flying towards Earth. Suppose also that the aliens are unable to ...
Anton's user avatar
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5 votes
5 answers

A War on Three Fronts

The antagonist of my story is planning to prosecute a war on as many as three fronts. What historical examples could I draw on to make such an operation seem plausible, even if it's doomed to failure ...
HumbleWanderer's user avatar
18 votes
7 answers

A better way to do a planetary invasion?

Planetary invasions are usually depicted using drop-ships which come straight down from the sky. Pretty much armoured Apollo Era capsules. These can be bigger, for example Warhammer40k has company ...
TheDyingOfLight's user avatar
13 votes
9 answers

Single vs multi-person drop pods

Excluding teleportation, the most rapid way of delivering troops to an operation planeside is by dropping them out of orbit in a steel can. Whether a small QRF or a few thousand marines dropping in to ...
Boo Radley's user avatar
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21 votes
21 answers

A new way of invading a besieged castle?

Forget those old-fashioned siege ladders. No-one wants boiling oil poured on them as they labour to the top. They need to get there much quicker and with no ladder to be pushed away when they are at ...
chasly - supports Monica's user avatar
23 votes
11 answers

How to prevent guerrilla warfare from existing

Imagine modern-day Earth (or the near future) is suddenly involved in a war with an alien civilization (their advancement level is open to change). Also, for the sake of the argument, assume that ...
GeneralVeers's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

The Toll of An Alien Invasion

In my story, Earth gets invaded by evil aliens. Good aliens provide troops, tech, etc. to fight off the evil aliens, and the invasion is fought off in a month and a half. Here are some major events in ...
TysonDennis's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How Could Cold-Climate War Animals Such as Mammoths be Adjusted for Warfare in Warm Climates?

In this fantasy novel I'm working on, the villain is from a very cold-climate planet and is planning an invasion of a much warmer planet. While most of his army is standard infantry and cavalry, he ...
The Weasel Sagas's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

How do I give human fighters a chance when fighting much faster and technologically advanced alien craft?

Human fighters in this instance are six WWII Spitfire Vs and one B-17 Bomber modified with two extra turrets. Each of these planes has been refitted with shields, which can protect from 2 shots on the ...
Ceramicmrno0b's user avatar
28 votes
13 answers

How can invading aliens access the Internet to find out all about us?

Aliens are camping on Mars and gathering their forces ready for an invasion of Earth. They wish to find out as much as they can about us before commencing hostilities. Question How can they access the ...
chasly - supports Monica's user avatar
23 votes
12 answers

The everybody-hates-everybody virus. Can humanity survive?

Aliens that are weaklings and have no physical weapons as we know them, want to conquer Earth because their home planet is dying. They sow an everybody-hates-everybody virus throughout Earth's ...
chasly - supports Monica's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

What can lead invaders to adopt the culture of the invaded?

In my world I need people of culture A to invade the lands inhabited by people of culture B. The invasion is successful and A conquers the territory. However, the A people adopt the B culture to a ...
Totofofo's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Earth is invaded by digital Aliens. Can they take over? [closed]

In this world, Alien AIs have invaded earth's internet through a signal stream since the start of the information age with the intent to digitally colonize Earth. How exactly would they gain complete ...
Mr. Anderson's user avatar
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20 votes
12 answers

Earth is invaded by miniature aliens - can they win?

Background Intelligent aliens have invaded Earth in 2024. Unfortunately for them they miscalculated. From watching our TV, they thought we were the same size as they were. Each alien is about 1 ...
chasly - supports Monica's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Modern military through a portal logistics

Background: It's 2020 and the US military needs to invade an alien planet for freedom purposes. Unfortunately, the only way to get there is through a Stargate-esqe, non-moveable wormhole located at ...
Dragongeek's user avatar
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20 votes
15 answers

What could a technologically advanced but outnumbered alien race do to destroy humanity? [closed]

Scenario: an alien race has traveled across the gulf of time and space, let's say from the Alpha Centauri system, fleeing their own dying world and looking for a suitable replacement. They find out ...
Space_Cadet's user avatar
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7 votes
18 answers

How does an alien race from a dying world annihilate most of humanity to colonize the planet for themselves? [closed]

The Stackexhangerians live on a habitable, earth-like planet near Alpha Centauri. Problem is that their world is dying. Let's say it was attacked by yet another race of hostile aliens, and most of ...
Faz's user avatar
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29 votes
14 answers

Can realistic planetary invasion have any meaningful strategy?

The sea is used as an analogy in space travel, and sometimes it works well. Ships sail on long journeys, between distant lands, across a hostile medium. But these analogies tend to break down when it ...
Stumbler's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

A weapon to rapidly change the Earth's atmosphere

I am seeking information and ideas from all you clever people. What I am trying to imagine is a chemical reaction that would change Earths atmosphere rapidly into something else which would be more ...
FireMonster's user avatar
12 votes
8 answers

Which US defense organization would respond to an invasion like this?

I'm at a critical point in a sci-fi novel where a couple of thousand Superintelligent artificial intelligences end up going haywire. Naturally, they're extremely intelligent, and thus, much harder to ...
Grizzly's user avatar
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11 votes
11 answers

Alien invasion to probe us, why? [closed]

In popular culture on my Earth-like planet, alien-abduction stories, anal probing and conspiracy-theories are well-known but largely considered by mainstream culture to be delusions or fanciful ideas ...
Escaped dental patient.'s user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

Plausibility of Self-Replicating Alien Drones Part 2

In my story, humanity comes under attack by extraterrestrial forces determined to sieze Earth's resources (water particularly). In my research it seems to be more plausible that aliens would attempt ...
user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Plausibility of Self-Replicating Alien Drones?

In my story, humanity comes under attack by extraterrestrial forces determined to sieze Earth's resources. In my research it seems to be more plausible that aliens would attempt to exterminate humans ...
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2 votes
6 answers

What layout to use for towns and cities from a species under threat of extermination?

The premise is as follows: A species uses biological constructs to protect themselves from forces that attempt to exterminate them. These biological constructs have a far faster growth than the ...
Demigan's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

How to prevent allies from acting in an organized manner?

In my medieval world, a union of five states located on the south shores of a continent much like Europe is a subject of joined invasion by a northern continental empire and marine power coming from a ...
Gonrah's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

Why can my civilian heroes defeat an enemy that has destroyed every military opposition? [closed]

In my scenario the world is being invaded by magical beings which quickly overwhelm our militaries because the way our realities interact: Our physical weapons have none or nearly no effect Our ...
Kempeth's user avatar
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0 votes
3 answers

Ninja versus the Alien Invasion! [closed]

What would make ninja valuable in defending humanity from an alien invasion? Imagine a scenario like that of XCOM (old or new), Xenonauts, Phoenix Point, or other various Alien Invasion stories: the ...
Southpaw Hare's user avatar
5 votes
10 answers

How could Hitler's planned invasion of England in September 1940 actually have succeeded?

This is a rewrite of this question in an attempt to reduce its scope and bring it back within the sites guidelines. I was writing a story set in an alternative history in which Nazi Germany occupies ...
Slarty's user avatar
  • 38.3k
0 votes
1 answer

What would have happened if Hitler had launched operation Sea lion (the planned invasion of England in September 1940)? [closed]

I'm writing a story set in an alternative history world but after some research I suspect the scenario I intend to use is unrealistic, so I would like to understand the likely outcome of Hitler’s ...
Slarty's user avatar
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-2 votes
2 answers

How to solve NK? [closed]

How to solve NK? NK is developing a nuclear missile program that might target sooner or later, various states in the world. As a result, there could be casualties ranging from thousands to ...
Just W's user avatar
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20 votes
11 answers

How to invade a planet

I am trying to make a space based strategy game, in which different factions try to take over all the planets in a solar system. The first step anyone should take to take over a planet would be to ...
user avatar
10 votes
11 answers

How to defend Earth against "alien bees tactic" in the modern era? [closed]

The enemy is approximately 100 million in number and are closing in fast from the orbit of Uranus, at a constant speed of 70 km/s (in near perfect vacuum condition). They are like clones and each one ...
user6760's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

The invasion of my world [closed]

My world has been invaded by a highly intelligent extraterrestrial species from other worlds. This species is also highly advanced in technology and civilized in a way that it out competes my world's ...
quintumnia's user avatar
51 votes
19 answers

Tactics to prepare for an alien invasion when nobody will believe you

This question is focused on what one man could do without the implicit resources on a larger scale. The year is 1980. Paul is a 17-year-old farmer in Iowa, with nothing really to his name besides his ...
Ranger's user avatar
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-5 votes
2 answers

30,000 rhinos were to attack South America, will they survive? [closed]

Say that 30,000 rhinos are going to attack South America. If they all team up in Cape Town, what will be the most likely route? What is the chances for the rhinos to succeed? How many of the rhinos ...
Chris's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Two worlds merge together [closed]

There are the two worlds A and B, which are light years apart. In the 22nd century, a super-intelligent race with cutting edge technology from the world A tries to invade a world B which only has ...
quintumnia's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Cold War Alien Invasion Cover-Up

At some point during the Cold War Earth experienced one or more failed alien invasions. Both the US and USSR had to face down this alien threat, and acted accordingly. Established facts about the war:...
Ranger's user avatar
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2 votes
10 answers

Would this Alien race take over?

If 1,000 Aliens secretly invaded earth would they take over the earth and start anew? These Aliens crash landed on our planet long ago, so their technology for the most part is destroyed. The only ...
KawaiiSamii's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

Sudden, unexpected Blitz like attacks all over the world. What would happen next?

This question is inspired by Hellsing Ultimate. In it, a secret splinter division of the Nazis left at the end of World War 2 remained in the shadows building up power, until the events of the anime ...
Scott Dennison's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

If a single alien landed on Earth with the intention of selling it from under us - how would they achieve this [closed]

My story revolves around the premise that an alien prospector discovered Earth at some point in the past armed with only one one weapons - longevity. Their intention is to mine the Earth and export it ...
Clay's user avatar
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15 votes
8 answers

Alien Invasion: Why is the War so Long? [closed]

We, the Hrimfaxi, an extensive interstellar empire, are invading the Earth! However, these pesky humans have proved themselves to be extremely good at pouring out dakka and making things go kaboom. ...
Zhehao Chen's user avatar
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29 votes
25 answers

What could be a probable reason for an alien race to want to non-violently annex Earth?

An alien race suddenly appears and immediately declares that their intention is to conquer Earth. However, they are surprisingly amicable about it - they arrive, make known their intentions, maybe ...
user3656992's user avatar