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Questions tagged [industrial-age]

For worlds set the near the Industrial Revolution. This tag is often used to propose social, political, and economic changes set at that time.

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41 votes
7 answers

Just How Powerful Could a Mechanical Computer Be?

We've all heard about the 1822 Babbage Difference Engine and other mechanical computer ideas of the 19th century. Sadly, Babbage's computer and printer ideas were never implemented in our world†, and ...
user3652621's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

A post-apocalyptic industrial revolution

It's been a couple of thousand years since humanity bombed itself back to the stone age. Most places are now safe to travel through but there's barely any sign of the old cities, new ones have sprung ...
Separatrix's user avatar
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17 votes
18 answers

Cultural reasons to prevent the industrial revolution

In a world similar to Earth, how can I realistically prevent the industrial revolution from occurring as an event? I need it to be held off for at least 200 years. It has to be a ...
TrEs-2b's user avatar
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14 votes
23 answers

How to prevent the evolution of human flight?

The more I look at it, the more my world seems to resemble the world of Avatar the Last Airbender, but instead of benders I have casters which are capable of unique talents (combat magic, enhancements,...
Argent Hellion's user avatar
9 votes
11 answers

Given early 1800's level technology, is it feasible to extract salt and fresh water from the ocean?

Suppose the setting is a small coastal island with only three towns in it. (I imagine it's roughly the size of the Isle of Man, perhaps a little bit bigger.) Technology level is roughly around the ...
Globin347's user avatar
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9 votes
8 answers

How to convince clan leaders and Party Cadres to give up their power?

Related to this question: After the main character united the seven clan into a Soviet-esque nation, education is introduced and critical, rational, and independent thinking is introduced to these ...
Faito Dayo's user avatar
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6 votes
5 answers

Alchohol fueled industrial revolution

My question is simple: In theory, would an industrial revolution driven exclusively by alcohol fueled internal and external combustion engines in the early 1800s be practical? What effect would this ...
Efialtes's user avatar
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2 votes
6 answers

Could I have a 19th Century American Society Develop Solar Power from Blueprints?

My inspiration was this: Could solar power be utilized and substitute coal in the 19th century? My world is this: Rail Transportation with Races Described Below - Specifically, Seating My people are 2,...
The Darke Lorde's user avatar
2 votes
7 answers

What would an Industrial Revolution that never exploited fossil fuels look like? [closed]

Clarification: Oil, coal and natural gas still exist but have never been exploited. And the Industrial Revolution is capitalized to emphasize on the massive episode in human history spanning from ...
JohnWDailey's user avatar
  • 14.9k
1 vote
1 answer

A Medieval Industrial Revolution

Dwarves were a key component to the defeat of the Dark Lord, being the main source of ores and high quality weapons, having entered their own Industrial Revolution in the aftermath. The question I ...
icewar1908's user avatar
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