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3 answers

Are the railroad and the telegraph inseparable inventions?

In my world, I'm trying to come up with reasons why trains are the fastest method of communication, and that brings into question: Are the railroad and the telegraph inseparable? They both came into ...
WasatchWind's user avatar
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How can an industry within an intergalactic empire operate without Stargates?

Long, long, ago in a galaxy far, far, away, there existed an empire which spanned many solar systems. The majority of these planets are inhabitable to some extent, and we're populated by humans during ...
Incognito's user avatar
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-4 votes
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19th century-like transportation without horses?

So, let’s say, hypothetically A NUCLEAR WAR KICKS OFF DUE TO PROLONGED INTERNATIONAL TENSION, AND TURNS THE EARTH INTO A BLEAK, HOSTILE WASTELAND. Now, let’s flash forward 197 years, to 2259. By now, ...
DT Cooper's user avatar
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