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Questions tagged [horses]

For questions about the domesticated work animals used in transportation and agriculture. This tag is relevant to questions about horse transportation logistics as well as biological alterations to horses in fiction. This tag is not relevant if horses are included in the setup of the question (i.e. story) but do not matter to the answer.

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31 votes
4 answers

How far can you travel on horseback while pushing the horse to the brink?

Wanting to keep my writing realistic, I try to keep distances traveled in the humanely possible range. The current setting is thus: Medieval style world, roads available, they are travelling north, ...
MissMerivana's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

The Multi-Purpose Horse: Stage I: Icelandic x Yakutian

I am in pursuit of, as the title says, a multi-purpose horse, a single breed that can do all the things that the others were only specialized for: travel, labor, companionship, war, speed, strength. ...
JohnWDailey's user avatar
  • 14.9k
4 votes
7 answers

Could genetically engineered horses make cavalry survivable on a battlefield with modern technology?

Could genetically engineered horses make cavalry survivable on a battlefield with modern technology? While machineguns made cavalry obsolete, could there be a way that horses could be modified to be ...
OT-64 SKOT's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Horseback Travel in an Unpopulated Pacific Northwest

I'm writing a novel that takes place in a very sparsely settled coastal PNW, and the MCs have two horses that they use for transportation and as their carrier animals (Bedrolls, tent, some rations). ...
Austin Wright's user avatar