Questions tagged [health]

For questions on the limits of human survival or on ways to stay alive under extreme conditions. Generally, "evolve new abilities" is not an answer to these questions. These questions are about humans as we are today.

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36 votes
17 answers

Non-Cancer terminal illness that can affect young (age 10-13) girls?

One of my major characters is between the ages of 10-13. She is supposed to be terminally ill and she's supposed to die at some point during the story (while still within that age range). The problem ...
Sora Tamashii's user avatar
15 votes
2 answers

Maximum Survivable Time Distortion Factor?

This question is somewhat inspired by the number of "time bubble" questions that have been popping up on the site recently. If a real "time bubble" with a large enough time distortion factor existed, ...
Gryphon's user avatar
  • 10.9k
1 vote
1 answer

Megacity Shapes, Episode 3: Plumbing

I have an idea on how many people can work and live inside each of the three chosen shapes. I've received nothing on a reasonable cross-section of each shape. The third episode features an ...
JohnWDailey's user avatar
  • 14.6k
8 votes
5 answers

Convention for Healers during a war where some rapid healing is available?

Imagine a war in a standard fantasy world, roughly medieval, most magic is limited, but magical healing exists. Healing comes in three forms: Rare Healers, who are born with ability to do rapid ...
dsollen's user avatar
  • 33.5k
8 votes
2 answers

Smallest set of plants to feed a population

What is the smallest set of different crops a (vegan) human population could grow to sustain itself? We'll assume they have an ideal environment, where anything and everything can grow and the ...
Babika Babaka's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What would the health effects of a giant, proportionally-scaled human be?

I was reading a few answers to this question about anatomically correct giants, and it got me wondering. In order for giant humans to evolve, many things would need to be changed. As summarized from ...
overlord's user avatar
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40 votes
12 answers

How to control alcohol consumption in my country?

I have a problem with too many men suffering from alcoholism in my country. I tried putting large taxes and limiting the stores that sell alcohol but that led to cottage industry of low quality ...
famaz's user avatar
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28 votes
13 answers

What is the best way to use my two portals?

To avoid being too broad, I'd like to use the portals for purely altruistic purposes (health, environment, safety), and not for scientific or military acheivement (e.g. - not an instant space elevator,...
Mikey's user avatar
  • 17.4k
24 votes
7 answers

Using spray cans to close up bleeding wounds?

Ryan the privateer is tragically dying on the battlefield, bleeding wounds all over his body. As he sees the light fading away in the memories of his childhood, his faithful cabin boy Gumptree runs in ...
Tortliena - inactive's user avatar
19 votes
13 answers

How would the (US or world) economy recover if healthcare became unnecessary?

The year is 2019. Someone has taken the most cutting-edge AI technologies to create a machine. It was tasked with studying the DNA humans, and making them indestructible. A virus was created that ...
user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Long term fever in humans

Scenario : Due to the effects of a magical overload, there are people in my world who lose their magic. Those that don't go outright insane are left with damaged nervous systems and a high body ...
Nymn's user avatar
  • 413
8 votes
4 answers

Psychological effect of rapid magical healing on soldiers during a battle?

Premise Imagine a world in which magical healing exists. A healer may heal wounds very quickly until his energy is exhausted (at peek performance they can heal someone severely wounded back full ...
dsollen's user avatar
  • 33.5k
3 votes
2 answers

Why would a species from the Homo genus have overwhelmingly B negative blood type?

In my story (go to see What evolutionary pressures would lead to Ogres?), there is a massive species from the Homo genus called ogre. They mostly have B negative blood type (I do not mean Rhesus null, ...
mammifereviolet4694's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Surviving *almost* fatal gunshot wounds with minimal medical aid

Okay so I have a world set roughly 50 years in the future. Guns are more efficient by use of liquid ammunition that solidifies when exposed to air (more ammo in a magazine). Bullets are smaller than ...
Jay Dee's user avatar
  • 492
-1 votes
4 answers

How long can a person survive solely on his own raw excrement and urine? [closed]

The subject is a healthy male in his twenty, weight is 60kg in the nude and 1.75m tall, he has been fasting for a week and I gave him 1.5 litre of distilled water and fed him 500g of potatoes before ...
user6760's user avatar
  • 47.9k