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Questions tagged [genetic-diversity]

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16 votes
7 answers

How should a time traveler be careful if they decide to stay and make a family in the past?

In a world where time travel in the past is possible but deletes the current future/ present, there is a person named Sarah who does not worry about the ripple effects her actions might create. Sarah ...
0 votes
0 answers

what is the minimum size for a human settlement to ensure genetic diversity? [duplicate]

assuming pretty good access to things like food and water, and a regular to slightly extended lifespan, would a population of ~120ish adults be enough to avoid inbreeding issues over time? basically, ...
10 votes
14 answers

Is genetic diversity a plausible reason for women to be more desired by men for marriage if they are already mothers than if they are childless?

My story takes place in an isolated community where the people realise the importance of genetic diversity. They will have some problems relating to inbreeding if they don't get fresh genetic ...