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Questions tagged [comedy]

For questions requesting an answer containing comedy, whether it be parody, satire, or simply funny. This tag reflects the desire to express imagination in the answer, even if the answer requires facts and science.

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7 votes
6 answers

What anatomical features would enable tree climbing in someone with feet for hands and no opposable thumbs?

Short version: A given person’s arms are now legs. But somehow they are able to climb trees despite having no opposable thumbs or big toes. How is the anatomy of their arm-legs designed to make this ...
Daron's user avatar
  • 66.2k
17 votes
12 answers

Can we Build a World Where Cooking is Difficult?

I want to build a world that satirizes the modern cult of cooking. The cult has a long list of infractions that will ruin a dish and render it inedible. For example: Chopping an onion the wrong way ...
Daron's user avatar
  • 66.2k
4 votes
1 answer

Would there be stress on my wormhole between two planetary surfaces due to their orbits?

Building on this question: Settings formed by Uncontrolled Terraforming of Venus and Mars via Portals My government, the Great Council of Duhurang1 has authorized the Minister of Astronomic Science2 ...
JBH's user avatar
  • 128k