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Questions tagged [android]

For use in questions about robotic entities that resemble humans.

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2 answers

Genderless androids

In a society made up of androids that had been created by humans that can only propagate through manufacture what would be a good reason for gender existing that is not sentimental? Judging from the ...
ford prefect's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

What material(s) should I use to protect my androids against ballistic impacts (bullets) and what protection would I get?

In the world of a story I'm writing, the military (of a superpower who shall remain nameless) has poured a lot of money into remotely operated humanoid drones (basically put on a VR suit and off you ...
Samwise's user avatar
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5 votes
5 answers

How can my robots have human-like muscles?

In my world there are androids. These robots look just like humans; you cannot tell them apart from a real person by looking at them, inspecting their bodies etc. To attain this they need some ...
SilverCookies's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Why would a civilization with the ability to create androids use giant, 2x Man-sized gears anywhere? [closed]

Why would a civilization with the ability to create Ridiculously Human Military Androids use giant gears twice the size of a man? The Androids are human-sized with electronic brains that can do ...
Malady's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

What language would droids use to communicate with each other?

The language tag challenge did remind me something which always baffles me on "Star Wars" franchise: Why on Tatooine would intelligent androids use beeping for communication? So I call you, fellow ...
Pavel Janicek's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

How would the widespread creation and use of androids affect weaponry?

This is a common trope in Scifi; Android armies. From Star Wars, to Battlestar Galactica, these mechanical beings have influenced the content of our movies and books in many ways. Android specs ...
Jax's user avatar
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