Linked Questions

7 votes
10 answers

Avoiding time travel or causality stuff

How to avoid blatantly time traveling or breaking causality in a big way when getting my characters to places quickly (Faster than light)? The method used is a tunnel in some sort of different space ...
Woli's user avatar
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67 votes
29 answers

What realistic way could limit an FTL drive to only travelling between stars?

How could a Faster than light drive be limited to only travelling between different solar systems, and not within a solar system? I don't really want to allow travel between planets in the same solar ...
VenusUberAlles's user avatar
11 votes
9 answers

FTL in a relativistic universe: can my scheme be exploited to make a time-machine?

The introduction of FTL travel/communication in a relativistic universe may effectively be equal to having a time-machine with all the problems that may entail for causality. I would like to avoid ...
Tonny's user avatar
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5 votes
5 answers

If an immortal, fabricated particle could travel FTL, would it exist in all times, or only the past relative to its present?

This seemed too scifi or hypothetical for physics, so here goes. Suppose a manipulated quark with 0 mass could travel faster than the speed of light. It's known that the faster you go, the slower ...
Bango's user avatar
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2 votes
4 answers

Is ignorance of time dilation effects justified?

When I was younger I learned about time dilation and since my story was (and is) set post-planet I thought many hours about how to handle it. I came to the conclusion that I could just drop it and ...
Ayutac's user avatar
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6 votes
5 answers

Consequences of Portal-Travel

I'm throwing around a rough concept in my head and wonder which effect it would have on the present world. How would the world as we know it change if this technology were invented (and nothing else ...
Tom's user avatar
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42 votes
19 answers

Standardisation of Time in a FTL Universe

Here on Earth, time standardisation was enabled by the invention of accurate time pieces which allowed us to create a global constant (GMT/Zulu time) and regional offsets. If we travel outside our ...
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6 votes
6 answers

Logistics of civilization with point-to-point superluminal travel calculating a pseudo-current map of the galaxy's navigational hazards

An interstellar civilization has superluminal travel which allows for travel between two points, effectively without traversing the space in between so they don't crash into anything between them and ...
Anonymous's user avatar
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63 votes
19 answers

How can there be different religions in a world where gods have been proven to exist?

In a world where gods can be seen by the inhabitants of that world, how can multiple religions even hope to form? If the gods choose to show people that they exist, regardless of area or person, I ...
TrEs-2b's user avatar
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31 votes
15 answers

How to avoid FTL as a plot device?

Many SF stories feature faster-than-light travel as essentially a trope: Roddenberry has stated☡ that the Enterprise travels at the speed of plot. As an allegory of the south seas, or some throw-away ...
JDługosz's user avatar
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70 votes
10 answers

Are there any ways to allow some form of FTL travel without allowing time travel?

Faster than light travel is a really cool thing to have in sci-fi settings. It allows humans, in relatable time scales, to travel the galaxy and see a variety of worlds. It allows for conflicts ...
ckersch's user avatar
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