Linked Questions

2 votes
2 answers

Assuming an otherwise Earth-like planet with three times Earth's mass, how long could a healthy 20 year-old survive the heavy gravity? [duplicate]

I am writing a story that involves a planet that has three times Earth's mass. The composition of the planet is rocky and it has an atmosphere that is either breathable or breathable after an ...
James Grossmann's user avatar
25 votes
4 answers

Could a human baby develop and grow into an adult under constant 3-4G?

Would that even be possible? Will the bones deform during early infancy? Will the cartilages between joints wear off faster? Will internal organs collapse under their own weight? I have no ...
hexpallett's user avatar
7 votes
6 answers

How big can a planet be [duplicate]

How big can a planet be ( like Jupiter or Saturn)and have an "earth-like" gravity. i. e can à planet be as big as Jupiter be rocky and have oceans and an oxygen rich atmosphere..
InvoicedThyme80's user avatar
13 votes
6 answers

What could cause infertility between humans living in gravity and humans in space? How could that cause speciation?

Concerning long term effects of zero gravity on humans living in space compared with those living on super earths with 1.5x to 2x G, how could the gravity differences cause reproductive failure among ...
Ansible's user avatar
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10 votes
5 answers

Building muscle in high G to be stronger in normal gravity levels?

In micro-gravity and zero G, people's muscles deteriorate. If you sent a set of already very physically fit soldiers to train/live on a high gravity planet, would they perform better than other ...
Eth's user avatar
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13 votes
5 answers

Redesigning the human body to flourish on a high-gravity world?

This answer states that "guided evolution" would help babies develop under constant 3-4g's. This answer has inspired me to ask , what sort of genetic tinkering would help humans adapt to ...
Jax's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

When does gravity become too much for humanoids?

Supposing you took Earth or a planet like it and doubled its mass, the gravity would obviously increase in whatever proportion to that. As a result, humans, as we know them, would be ... more stocky, (...
dthree's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

What effect would 1.5 times the gravity have on a human?

I am writting a novel ( in a world where magic exists, and is evolving every second ) A lucky guy, found the notes of an ancient artificer on a training artifact. The artifact was very easy to make ...
Marios Zaglas's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

If Earth's gravity suddenly became stronger, how would we cope?

If the force of gravity at the Earth's surface suddenly became 2 times stronger, how would the environment and humans cope? I'm guessing a lot of flying creatures would suffer, but what would happen ...
CrazySlayaNinjaBear's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Maximum gravity a land mammal could cope with

Several science fiction books picture bigger Terran planets with higher gravity. I'm curious to know what would be the maximum gravity mammals similar to the one on earth could survive. Only bones ...
Fred's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

How would a planet with extreme gravity affect a human? [closed]

I'm writing (planning really) a fantasy novel based on the fae. My "scientific" explanation for them is that the fae realm is another planet accessed via wormhole. Since I wanted them to age normally ...
Erin Kinsey's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

What would be the short-term and long-term effects of an increase in the strength of gravity on humans?

I heard that some scientists placed chickens under 2.5g for 6 months, and they survived. A normal human would black out at 5g. A trained astronaut could take up to 8g before blacking out. 20g would ...
BuildingBetterWorlds's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

What is the effect on humans in a gravitational field [closed]

What will be the physiological and behavioral effect on humans if there is a change in the gravitational field on earth?
RABINDRANATH's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

What is the limit of acceleration of a gravity drive?

Let's say I have a device that can produce an area of artificial gravity. Never mind how, or what universe-rending effects this has; I flip a switch, and the gravitational gradient in the drive's area ...
Matthew's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

The Effects of gravity on humans and animals on a world 4x the size of Earth

I am Building a world over 4 (about 4.7) times the diameter of earth. It's made of the same elements as earth. It rotates on an axis same as earth so it has the same seasons as earth. But it rotates ...
CausticNickel's user avatar

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