Think "antenna-dogs" and "antenna-jellyfishes" for radio-waves.
The question is what you mean with "they". Any and all of them "aliens"? Or maybe just certain "creatures" that also live on their planet. Think of our real world example: We cannot smell that well, but dogs can and they are tamable.
So, generally speaking. What does a creature need to detect electromagnetic waves on a broad spectrum? What is the equivalent of a "radio-sniffing-nose" -> Antennas.
Properties of an antenna
You can think of an Antenna being able to detect radio signals of the same length as the antenna and maybe (to a certain degree) smaller. I simplify here:
- If the antenna and the signal match 100%, then the signal output is 100%.
- If their length and signal do not match, the output signal will be lower.
- In the worst case 0%.
- Think of a sinus/cosinus relation for the cases in between. Meaning a smooth transition from 100%-to-0%.
For example: 100cm antenna can detect 50cm waves with an output-stength of 50%, but a 1cm wave only with 1% output-strength, which means 99% are "non-signals" also named "noise".
That is, to have "probable"/high certainty of detecting a "signal" and not just "noise" the antenna-to-signal-ratio has to be a good amount better than 50:50, more like 70:30.
(-> see "Shannon-(Nyquist)-Theorem" and "Signal-to-Noise-Ratio (SNR)" if you are interested in physics-details; Keep in mind, I simplified the physics here a lot, but should give you a good idea of how it works on a macroscale).
Not all antennas need to be straight, that is just the simplest form of them. They can also be "curled" or have "loops" and amplifiers etc. but to get this realistically is highly bound to engineering knowledge I cannot provide here.
Consequences and Ideas for Creature-Physique
So, antennas is the word.
The antenna furball: I imagine like a furball of whiskers of all kinds of lengths. Hopping around like a dog and barks, or gives bio-luminescent signals or what you like, if it detects signals it was trained for. Maybe it is even levitating instead of having legs.
--> But if you want to detect super low-band radio-waves, that is, those with a wavelength of for example a kilometer (a mile long), you would need very long whiskers. And also a way of giving the other aliens those capabilities.
The antenna jellyfish: (This is like in Johnny Memnonic, where they used a dolphin) Think of having a big tank of water and within it a big floating jellyfish, whose tentacles are the whiskers to detect the signals. Biologically speaking, the jellyfish would use those to detect bio-electricity of lifeforms to eat them, but the alien-race has "domesticated" or "repurposed" them (poor creatures).
The advantage is, because those tentacles are not rigid, but can twist and bend, they are able to dynamically adjust the lengths of it. Meaning, as described, can detect a broad spectrum of signals lower than their tentacles, down to the smallest wavelengths to a high degree of certainty (if you like) with ease (but consider, that a certain short wavelength is considered being harmful radiation, so there is a natural feasibility limit).
You can expand this by having gigantonormous jellyfishes, or a tank full of small ones. Maybe, the aliens were also able to create something technical instead of a bio-tech solution. But the principle is the same.
The Invading Force / Alien Operatives
I imagine a big mothership. On board is plenty of space for those tanks with the jellyfishes. The majority of global-scanning and interception of signals from around the planet is done here. The jellyfishes are connected to the alien main computer systems.
The alien field-operatives have a "device" which is connected to this computer and can "see" or "decrypt" those signals they are able to detect in the vicinity they are in (The evaluation of the signals is done on the mothership's computer though, because detecting signals is the one thing, but you also have to evaluate and interpret them, needs probably computing power or some kind of brain-alien). Those devices communicate via radio waves themselves with the mothership (they need a good encryption and a fairly strong signal, or the humans would be able to eavesdrop or jam their signals. Or they use some telepathic skills humans are not able to do something against).
The "device" can be shaped like you see fit. Maybe it is an handheld with a speaker and a display. Or it is integrated into the helmet of the aliens. Or it is an organ of their body. Of course, those operatives can also be accompanied by the furry-ball-antenna-dogs (and maybe they also have teeths and claws. That is up to you).
The Human Opposing Force
The system with the antennas is not fool-proof in "real physics" environment. You might want to pepper in some super-natural stuff to make up for it. Consider these points:
- Humans can maybe not decrypt alien signals, but they can flood the area with such strong radiation, that also the aliens have a hard time detecting signals and not only noise.
- This would of course also affect human radio-wave-communication.
- The dogs may be sensible to the received signals. They could be hurt, when blasted with a strong signal wave. Like a flashbang, for example. The extreme case would be a strong EMP-signal. There many ways to create them. The most recognized source in media is an atomic-bomb.
- If the device is a handheld, the humans could be able to capture one and eavesdrop on the aliens.
- The mothership would be the main target of attacks. Once this is gone, the operatives themselves are the smaller problem (this can be handled as you like of course).
- Further countermeasures include: Switching to frequencies which are not covered by the aliens, or switching their encryption all the time.
- Also keep in mind, the majority of our relevant communication is like in the range of 20cm (WLAN) to 1m-10m (Radar) or so. This is not much to scan for the aliens, but it leaves a huge amount for the humans to switch over to (logistics of that switching is another topic, might be tough to accomplish so that everyone knows where to switch but the aliens do not).
- Oh an important factor for the humans to "protect their communication" at least within a base or somehting, is a "Faraday Cage". This one separates all the radio-waves into "inside" and "outside". The simplest form is a mesh made of copper-wire (and I do not know if there is a dependency to the wave-lengths it protects against, but you can make up this if needed).
They plan to "see" all our communication done using electromagnetic waves ... to "visually decode" our information....
Not likely. Most of our data is effectively text converted to binary run through a compression algorithm, before being converted into an analogue signal. E.g., a digital image is a description of the pixels within, something like, "pixel 1,[located] top left [of colour]Ox12345, pixel 2...". Video takes each frame as a separate image and so on. All the aliens could see would be flashes of light at high frequencies, like a disco ball. Let's hope they aren't epileptic. $\endgroup$