The protagonist in this RPG is a robot fighting the oppressive human government. In his quest to liberate his fellow robots, he founded a robotic rebel army and finally liberated a factory that now serves as their base.
Liberating the factory is indeed a big strategic win for them, because they can now rebuild themselves whenever they get destroyed in battle. They can upload their consciousness to the rebel network wherever they are and this snapshot can be injected to the new robotic body. For religious reasons(?), the same snapshot will not be used to create a mass robotic army.
To disrupt the rebel forces, the humans create a jamming device that prevents this uploading from all their buildings. Occasionally, there will be an area where he can do the upload safely before proceeding with the mission. We call this "Save Point".
However, he notices that these "Save Points" are always located somewhere near the entrance, middle of a long dungeon, and just before a boss fight. After this pattern has repeated several times, it's time for our protagonist to begin to wonder why this always happened.
Obviously, the developer put the save point there to save the player from frustration from losing a boss fight after a lengthy dungeon walk. However, when viewed from inside the game, why is it always on a very convenient spot just before a boss fight?
Answers should be applicable to RPG with other theme. Please consider to provide at least one other theme where your answer can work.
Although I started this with a story, I expect the answer to be able to explain general RPG cliches on save points. I don't mind answer using example from my story, but please refrain from answering the question with a story.
This question graduated from the Sandbox.