It is feasible, though probably not with a standing jump.
You ask for 30' ie roughly 9m. Let's compare that to what a human can do as a base for what a humanoid engineered specifically for high jumps might achieve.
The highest recorded standing jump is 1.6m (5.3ft) ~18% of your goal.
The world record high jump is 2.45m (8ft) ~27% of your goal. Still quite far off.
The world record for pole vault, however, is 6.16m (20ft). Now we're getting close!
You might consider pole vaulting to be cheating, but the pole itself does not add any energy to the athlete, it is merely an aid to convert horizontal running speed to vertical launch speed. Your engineered humanoid might use a specialized leg in the same manner.
From Vashus answer we have that a 30' jump requires a vertical launch speed of 13.5 m/s. Usain Bolt tops out at about 12.4 m/s.
So a top human sprinter with perfect technique might jump 7,8m (25.7ft) ie the physical limits of real humans is somewhere around 85% of your goal for a fantasy humanoid engineered specifically for high jumps.
The jury is in, 30' high jumps are not unrealistic, if you allow for a more elaborate technique than a standing jump.