With the help of my allmighty Handwavium I want to change the biology of a human being so that this particular human being gets his eyes replaced with the eyes of a martial eagle. According to Wikipedia
Martial eagles have been noted as remarkable for their extremely keen eyesight (3.0–3.6 times human acuity). Due to this power, they can spot potential prey from a very great distance, having been known to be able to spot prey from as far as 5 to 6 km (3.1 to 3.7 mi) away.
The human in question gets this ability via handwaving. Just like in the last installments of my little series "How would it affect a human to suddenly..." "... hear like a cat?" and "... have a sense of smell comparable to a wolf?" the process can be ignored and the individual is not directly affected by the change so that he can continue with his normal life. Other people won't directly realize that this individual has the eyes of a martial eagle instead of his own.
The setting is Europe and we will imagine this human to be a middle-class white-collar worker. If an average human would, from one day to the other, be able to suddenly have a far better visual sense than other humans - what would be the biggest problems this human would have to face in his everyday life?