In a world that i am building, there is an advanced civilization that is somewhat close to 21st century humans. Two of the differences are: they have discovered electricity much earlier than we did and they have never had the idea that explosives can be used as a propellant for projectiles. That's why most of land based combat revolves around infantry running around the battlefield with swords with enormous railgun artillery providing support.
My two questions are:
1. How realistic is this scenario?
2. How realistic is the strategy i presented? Is there something that makes it really stupid, or will it work fine?
EDIT: The problem with railguns is that they require a LOT of power. So you can have stationary artillery, but planes and cars cant pack a powerful enough power generators. So planes are capable of dropping bombs, fighter planes are not really a thing. And in case of car, infantry would need to exit the car in order to swing their swords around.
EDIT2: So, yeah "running around with swords" is totally not the best idea when you have vehicles and can use them.
EDIT3: Due to a lot of answers/comments touching this topic: Yes the kind of combustion engine you see in your car is not really a thing in this world. (Not because it is explody, but rather because they have way less liquid dinosaurs than we do.) However having similar engines is not a requirement for having electricity, because it is done by steam turbines (They were very lucky with geothermal energy). Also the battery tech is much better than we have, it is just the capacitors (things that can charge/discarge really fast) are lacking.