In my world I have one side armed with 'muskets' which utilize a simple form of magitek. Their 'bullet' is actually a magical 'blast' of condensed magic from the air. Despite being magical in theory, I am modeling them off of early muskets (at approximately the effectiveness of muskets present when Americas were being colonized by Europe). I intend for these magical rifles to be as close as possible to muskets in their combat effectiveness and logistics.
Some of the logistics of these magical rifles have been decided by the presence of other, rarer but stronger and closer range, magical guns. I want all magical guns to have the same rough feel when fired and I need the much rarer guns to function in a certain way, this affects how the rifles must function. However, I have plenty of room to adjust properties like range, accuracy, and reload time of rifles and am trying to adjust these to stay in keeping with the lethality of real muskets.
After these muskets are fired it takes some time for them to recharge before they have the power to fire again, roughly equivalent to the time it takes to reload old muskets. However, unlike real muskets that had to be manually loaded, these magical guns will recharge on their own without further action from the gunman.
When someone is struck with a blast from these magic-muskets, instead of suffering a gunshot wound they suffer an effect somewhere near that of a very localized blast of fire at the contact point and an electrical shock through the body. Generally I want these muskets to be roughly as fatal as real muskets when fired at normal military. Basically, I want how damage is done by a 'magic shot' to be ambiguous enough to leave room for things stronger than normal humans to easily survive getting hit once, but also believable be taken down by enough shots even if they are large enough that it seems they be able to mostly ignore the damage of a normal rifle.
I'm generally trying to stay close to the approximate effective range and accuracy of real muskets. However, the damage of a 'magic shot' has to function slightly differently. The rifles have a much longer range at which they can do damage, but once the shot passes a certain threshold the damage done by the shot will start to diminish rapidly (as the condensed energy blast starts to dissipate over time). Thus one can be shot from much farther, but at maximum range the shot will be only a minor pain, with shots only building up to lethal damage as one closes in to normal musket effective ranges, or possibly slightly shorter range. The idea is the overall effectiveness against charging soldiers should be the same as with normal muskets, with rare kills at larger range being counteracted by slightly lower effective ranges.
I expect the magical muskets, as I described them, will still be stronger than actual muskets I'm targeting. At minimum a non-gunman can presumably be trained to militia standard faster if they don't need to learn how to reload their gun, and the logistics of these guns is simplified since they can't run out of ammo.
I'm trying to figure out how much of an advantage these guns have over their real life counterparts, and what simple changes I may be able to make to keep them in line with their counterparts while keeping a similar feel to the weapon as described above.
I'm okay with it being easier to train militia with these guns, in fact I sort of want that. However, in combat would they have any obvious advantages or disadvantages? How much of an advantage is the fact that one doesn't have to be manually reloading while waiting for the gun to recharge between shots? Keep in mind the majority of users of these guns will be quickly trained militia or conscripts, only a few will be fully trained standing military.
Multiple people have already pointed out that muskets recharging on their own would allow one to constantly swap out guns to always have one ready to shoot. It's a good point, but I don't want it in my world. So I'm officially changing all guns such that they recharge much faster if (or don't recharge at all unless) a human is channeling magic into the gun, which requires only a minor mental focus and is easily learned. There is also a limit to rate that these guns can be mass produced, so it's best to have a gun in someone's hands so it's actively charging at all times.