The Dreamer (a.k.a. The Sleepy Psychic by his teammates and enemies alike) has telepathic powers. The problem is that, while extremely useful, he can only use them whilst sleeping. My question is, how does he fall asleep and stay asleep during battle?
- He specifically needs to enter and stay in a state of Lucid dreaming to use his powers.
- His powers are weaker the farther he is from the target, so sleeping at home is a no go (he'd basically have no affect).
- Neither he nor his team mates has required secondary powers (other than that he is pretty good at lucid dreaming once he starts dreaming, but that's more of a skill than a power) that would help directly (although you are fine to propose powers for his team mates that might help in creative ways).
- His enemies know about this weakness, so they will try to wake him up.
- Since his team usually just have to wait until the bad guys attack, there is not much prep time. He wants to start using his powers as soon as possible. Luckily attacks usually only happen once a month.
- He does not want to his health to be adversely affected too much.
What should the Sleepy Psychic, ahem, I mean the Dreamer do to get snoozing so he can get telepathing?