Magic in this world comes from an external Force which is virtually Unlimited. So, Wizards won't get tired from doing spells; they could continue doing spells for weeks if they could stay awake that long.
However, magic has its limits:
- It is limited to the sense range of the wizard casting the spell ( if you can't see it, hear it, or smell it then you can't use magic against it).
- You have to say the Spell correctly: get the pronunciation wrong and, at best, nothing will happen at all, at worst, you accidentally turn the spell against yourself.
- To use Magic requires the aid of some magical object in addition to the spell such as a wand or a magic staff.
- Each spell does one particular thing: the spell to make a tornado, for example, will be different from the spell to make a slight breeze. The spell to turn lead into gold will be different from the spell for turning people into gold; wizards are limited by the amount of spells they can memorize.
- Wizards can only use a spell on one object, animal or person at a time. If two people attack them, they will have to cast two different spells to defend themselves.
- Use of magic makes it hard to understand machines. Most Wizards cannot build anything except for the simplest of machines. Neither can they repair machines. However, they can use Magic on machines and use machines themselves as long as their usage is not that complicated (using a gun is pretty simple, but a wizard might have trouble using a computer).
Forms of magic:
Transformative Magic: transforming people into animals, lead into gold, animals into stone, solids to liquids, liquids to solids, one human into another human and so on.
Mind magic: erasing memories, planting false memories, hypnosis, and spells to make you feel specific emotions.
Elemental Magic: control the elements wind, Fire, Earth, lightning and Light, water.
Telekinetic spells: spells to move things toward or away from you and various angles.
Healing spells: spells to heal injuries and illnesses.
Curses: curse of death, curse of the plague, curse of pain, curse of Madness.
The ability to speak and control magical beasts: There are various magical Beast most are used for transportation as many of them can fly, teleport or both. Also since they all are several times stronger then humans they are also use for their brute strength both as laborers and as War beasts.
The ability to produce enchantments: enchantments are written spells on objects that enhance characteristics associated with the purpose of that object. For example, you could enchant a sword to be Supernaturally sharp, able to cut through anything. Or a shield, to be so hard it's practically impenetrable. Note: the enchantment must be related to the purpose of the object. For example, you can put a magical sharpening spell on a sword because swords are made to cut through things, you couldn't put that on the shield; furthermore, putting more than one enchantment on object can result in it forming a will of its own and the ability to work against its creator if it chooses to.
The wizard population is very low and it is estimated they could probably only produce an army that is a tenth the size of the modern human Army.
Because of this, it is predicted that in the case of armed conflict they would probably resort to some form of guerrilla warfare instead of a straight out fight.
In light of this, what strategy could a modern but mundane military implement that would have the greatest long-term success in a guerrilla War against these Wizards?