In my world, a new technology known as Personal AIs (which I will denote as PAIs from this point forward) have become about as commonplace as today's iPhone. The PAI can act as a personal assistant, secretary, organizer, etc., and all in all makes the user's life more organized and manageable. But this isn't the only, nor primary function of the PAI. It can also converse with the user, retain their conversations, and give advice for personal questions based on the knowledge they have retained. This retaining of information is the most vital feature of the PAIs, because they know nothing of their user until the user talks to them. So the more the user talks, the more the PAI knows, and the more effective the PAI is at conversing with their user. This technology was created to make people more productive, more social, and better "well-rounded" people. Some users have begun to call their PAI a friend for helping them through their problems. However, while this technology is groundbreaking, it has become a catalyst for antisocial behavior by satisfying the user's need for connection and communication with other human beings. My main question is this:
What are the positive and negative consequences this new technology can have on society in general, and on the PAI's users?
Some side questions that I would love to have answers to are:
Would the PAI need some sort of physical/visual form, i.e. how Cortana was displayed as a hologram in Halo, for the user to make a meaningful connection to it?
Can the company who has patented and produced the PAIs release liability of the PAIs giving the wrong, or possibly harmful, advice to their users?
Is it realistic for the user's trust in their PAI to become so absolute (not to mention the PAIs more convincing inherent qualities as technology and not as a person) that the user will take their PAI's advice wholeheartedly to the point where they do not make any decisions on their own? And has there been anything similar to this in the past?
Note: The PAI is designed to only converse with its specific user. They cannot discuss any matters with other users or other PAIs.
Edit: The PAI is not connected to any form of Internet or outside connection. It's only connection is to its user.
Edit 2: The PAI can be connected to the internet if the user decides the risk of being hacked and having their information stolen is less than the advantage of getting automatic updates from their favorite stores, flight provider, etc.
Edit 3: I've entertained the idea of connecting the PAIs to phones or messaging applications, but that might be better suited for another question