People live longer nowadays than they used to - but a big reason for that is that our elder care is much better. With a daily pill or two, the body's failing systems can be sustained.
In my story, I want a person to live a very long time...but their children, grandchildren, grandgrandchildren, etc are out of luck! For whatever reason (I'm thinking general societal decline) the lifespan of subsequent generations has shortened dramatically. But as I mentioned above, a decline in the quality of medicine threatens the health of elders. I need some kind of plausible reason that the old generation has a long lifespan, but the later ones do not get this benefit, and in fact their lifespans shorten.
What is a plausible reason that this could happen, with 20-minutes-in-the-future technology? How old could the long-lived generation get, and how short can we cut down the lives of subsequent generations without threatening that longevity? Ideally this would be something that the elders could not stop, even though they want to. "We hog the meds, none for you" is a little too evil.