I'm looking to make a sonic[Citation Needed] bomb that is lethal enough to kill enemies at short range. The goal is for something akin to a lethal flashbang grenade or some sort of C4 sound device. It would work by creating such a loud sound as to hit on one of the numerous ways that sound can kill. I'm not looking for a sonic gun, it needs to be something with a sort of timed release.
To cite
...the European Space Agency says that it now has such a sonic weapon in its arsenal that, if it was so inclined, could kill you.
The existing device is a large apparatus, but I want to be able to set this in a similar way to allow my military to utilize this in space. Note: I do not want an actual explosive (as in hand grenade, small explosions to create the sound are fine), as that may damage the space station.
Technologically we can use up to near future devices, so some future tech might be warranted. So, now for the whole question.
How can I create a realistic sonic bomb given these constraints?