So in the story I'm writing, mankind has advanced farther in the next few decades than we have over the past couple thousand years. Colonization has allowed us to settle the planets, and the FTL drive has opened up the ability to reach the stars. But for in-system travel, it wasn't until recently that we began to embrace a fuel source that was both powerful and efficient enough to get a ship across the solar system in a matter of days: metallic hydrogen.
Although this resource was nearly impossible to create in the early 21st century, engineers and scientists realized that it could remain meta stable outside a high pressure environment. And with probes confirming large deposits of it on Jupiter and Saturn, a rush formed to mine this nearly limitless resource from the planets' lower atmospheres (much like the oil boom during the industrial revolution).
So, if we managed to synthesize meta-materials capable of withstanding the extreme pressure and weather of Jupiter and Saturn, what would be the best method to set up a series of mines that are capable of tapping into the layers of metallic hydrogen far below these planets' clouds?