I am trying to picture how space combat would happen with a sufficiently advanced level of technology (way beyond what we have today), and obviously defense from radiation would be a massive benefit to any vessel in space.
However, these spaceships will be attacking each other with directed energy weapons, anti matter warheads, fusion bombs, radioactive shells and the like. Additional protection from radiation would be a definite advantage.
From what I can gather (please correct me if I am wrong) but the best protection is to limit exposure, so reducing the time spent in the radiation and increasing the distance from the radiation source. But these forms of protection are not ideal for my purposes, especially when you have a blast of directed gamma rays focused on your position.
I imagine thick layers of lead (or something similar) on the hulls of our space vessels would be sufficient to block most forms of radiation, directed or not.
However powerful enough blasts of radiation caused by anti matter explosions or directed gamma rays could still cook a spaceship's crew alive even if the hull blocked 99% of the radiation.
Is there any other forms of potential defense from such radiation and focused gamma rays? Even highly theoretical technology can be considered here, as my civilizations are highly advanced.
Is there a form of defense I have not considered here? Or is this just a case of making the hull ridiculously thick?
Or is there literally no defense against a focused beam of directed gamma rays - even for a highly advanced civilization?