I had a fun idea for a space simulator game I'm working on from a lore standpoint. We all know that there is no sound in space due to it being a vacuum. The lack of sound would probably leave pilots (and players) feeling uneasy. So, my solution is one that kind of makes some sense realistically and gives me something to work with from a design standpoint.
These fleets are throwing around all of this high energy consuming technology; railguns, lasers, plasma, magnetic/plasma shielding, engines, etc. I would imagine some, if not most, of this stuff will probably produce some kind of distinct electromagnetic noise that a computer can pick up and sort through.
The thought is that the ship computer takes in all of this EM noise and translates it into an approximation of what the battle would sound like, giving the pilot (and player) audio context to what they see around them.
Are there any holes in this idea that I'm missing?
EDIT: Clarifying things a bit. The system is not playing back the EM noise to the pilot directly. It samples various EM noises then translated them to known sounds. If an enemy fighter flies by, they hear an approximation of what it would sound like if it passed them in atmosphere.