This question happens in the same universe as my other questions:
- How should a country introduce a constructed language as the official language?
- How many years could you trim from schooling?
- Could large but sparsely populated country control its borders?
- How to force opposition to emigrate?
TL/DR My story happens in a country which is large by land area, relatively well off economically but with a small population. The country is ruled by an autocrat who is keen on social engineering. The technology period is the 70s.
After getting rid of the real opposition Dear Leader™ noticed that nobody wants to tell him the truth. Everything is fine until calamity strikes, and disasters that could be prevented with timely intervention happened because nobody wants to bring bad news.
In order to remedy this situation, Dear Leader™ decided to create a controlled opposition, small parti(y|es) that would be allowed to win few seats in the national assembly but that could never have a chance to topple Dear Leader™. Opposition would be allowed to speak freely as much as they want but everything will be decided by Dear Leader™ glorious party.
What would be a good choice for a controlled opposition?
Dear Leader™ is thinking of maybe allowing ultra religious party that's supported by 2-3% of the population. Or maybe party staffed by people with deep links with crime underground.