I like cheese. But I'm also absent-minded enough that I'll not think to grab a serving from the refrigerator for days, and lazy enough that I'll sometimes skip a snack so that I don't have to pull out the hunk of cheese, cut slices for a plate, then put them back. As a result, my wife buys me those individually plastic-wrapped cheese sticks. It serves the purpose of preserving the servings in between uses, and making for easy distribution (I can hand cheese sticks to several people and they can transport it to their individual lunches, leaving the main bulk in the fridge), but the amount of packaging material is wasteful, even if the wrappers were recyclable. Most science fiction seems to deal with it by either eliminating the packaging by making the food every time (replicators) or employing some futuristic material that magically is cheap to produce and just sort of disappears from the environment.
How might a society with eary 21st century technology solve the issue of convenience of individually-wrapped servings with not producing excess waste?