Supposedly I found a phone booth that can transport user 65 millions years into the past (location fixed at Chixulub just 30 minutes before the announcement of the arrival of the impactor.
Points to note regarding the unique phone booth as follows:
- 1 pax.
- Phone booth along with it's user are instantaneously traversed through time to the preset location at the moment the user hears the white noise from the telephone.
- To return to the correct (original) timeline user simply hang up the telephone.
- Conveniently the phone booth can also automatically return itself to the correct timeline when the receiver is accelerated towards the ground at exactly 1g for at least 1700 milliseconds. (Hence ride comes with height req)
- No known force in the known universe can destroy the phone booth. (T&C applies.)
- The invincibility does not apply to the occupant including the differences of air and temperature etc.
- There are clear windows plane on all sides meant for window shopping by the native animals.
How can I with a budget of USD$2000 and access to all commercially available tech/product sold at Walmart in today USA or any non suspicious hypermarket elsewhere in the world convince my client to take up the greatest adventure of a lifetime? (assuming they are willing to share the same fate of the dinosaurs 65 mya!) Some handwavium applies for the progression of the story.
Difficulty: ⭐⭐⭐
varies with attitude and even at sea level, at different places of Earth. Not much, certainly, but you said "exactly 1g". 3) The closer to the Equator you are, the more you feel the centrifugal force of Earth rotation, further altering "g" (this is one reason so many rocket launching sites are near the Equator). $\endgroup$