I came up with anthropoidal creature that has several subspecies, let's call them red, green & blue, that can interbreed with each other. My problem in this setting is that:
- I don't want any ugly hybrids,
- I don't want any of the subspecies to disappear due to interbreeding
So this is what my proposal how should their reproductive system work:
Each individual contains chromosomes that are shared for all the colors e.g. 80, plus certain amount of chromosomes unique to each color e.g. 20. Males produce sperm which contains half of the genetic material, just as humans do in this case the sperm would contain 50 chromosomes of which 40 are shared & 10 are unique for each color.
When couple of same color (red & red, green & green, blue & blue) have a child it works the same way as in humans. The child could either be male or female, will have the same color as its parents, and has 50% DNA from its mother and 50% DNA from its father.
However when a couple of different colors (red & green, red & blue, green & blue) has a child, the mother reproductive system only uses the shared chromosomes of the specie from the father's sperm, while the chromosomes with different color are discarded and mother's own chromosomes are used instead. So in that case the child will be always be a female, will have same color as its mother, and will have 60% DNA from its mother and 40% DNA from its father.