Give yourself to the Dark Side
False-Flag terrorist attacks on infrastructure
In the first day of trading after the September 11th attacks in the US, the stock markets plummeted. This accelerated an already rumbling recession, and kept it going much longer.
Now imagine if instead of one extremely dramatic attack, you had a series of attacks that collapsed bridges, cut canals, and destroyed power stations. Economic activity in many areas would grind to a halt; many other areas would lose access to the national economy and be reduced to a purely local economy. You'd have shortages of food, fuel, and medical treatment. All in all, a bad day to be living in that country.
Blaming the attacks on external terrorists would give the government an excuse to declare a state of emergency and vote itself sweeping powers to resolve the 'crisis'. They could immediately hire people to start infrastructure repairs, nationalise important utilities and industries, etc, then arrange more 'foreign terrorist attacks' to maintain the status quo.
This also has the advantage of allowing the government fairly granular, detailed control over exactly how bad things get. In an election year, you can "capture" a terrorist cell and publicly execute them; If private enterprise is rebuilding, you can destroy their supply lines, forcing them into bankruptcy.
This is essentially the method used by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine of the Star Wars universe to get himself named Emperor - he ran both sides of the Clone Wars, using the ebb and flow of the conflict to gather more and more power to himself.