Reasons why this won't work by way of introduction
As a person with a degree in the life sciences you do realise this could involve one or both of its parents storing their knowledge and memories in their germ cells and that somehow these memories are expressed and translated into knowledge and memory in the brain of their offspring.
The density of information encoded into the spermatazoa and ovum would be massive. To say nothing of the potential harm caused by decryption errors into their offspring's brain. All of which would be prohibitive. So direct genetic transmission of knowledge and skills from one generation to the next is impossible. OK?
A modest proposal for transmitting knowledge and skills reproductively
Now let's do it another way. Through the reproductive process itself, but it's not reproduction as we know it.
Assume the two parents do something when they reproduce that no respectable metazoan would ever consider doing, namely, their bodies fuse, soften and effectively liquefy as they and their organs form a single mass of living matter. Effectively this is a gigantic syncytium.
Their child will be formed out of this somatic fusion, probably in a womblike cavity at the centre of this fused body, and it will inherit the recombined genetic material from both its parents, as if was normal dioecious reproduction, and imprinted on its brain will be the knowledge and memories of both of its parents. And all that epigenetic stuff that is becoming so fashionable in biology these days too.
Once the child is sufficiently formed to be viable, the fused mass separates into the both of the two parents with their offspring between them. As a bonus offer, there's no reason why twins or other multiple births might not result from this from this reproduction by immersive fusion.
There you are one great big gooey reproductive mechanism for the direct inheritance of memories and knowledge from one generation to the next. Naturally this reproductive mechanism will be produced by evolution, but how and why it evolved in the first place that's something for you to figure out.