Computing power and data
1 PFLOP is too low.
15 freaking petaflops per second - Yes, would I personally have such power, it would make freaking good minecraft server, huge cubic world, with huge amount of diamonds, with huge small cubic figures.
As Top500 list shows TIANHE-2 (MILKYWAY-2) in first place with 34 PFlops practical and 54PFlops theoretical performance, with 3120000 cores and 17MW energy consumption. Just for reference.
Is that power enough to understand our languages by our self's?
I would like to know, how much power google translate have, looks like still not enough.
World’s total CPU power: one human brain
To put our findings in perspective, the 6.4*1018 instructions per second that human kind can carry out on its general-purpose computers in 2007 are in the same ballpark area as the maximum number of nerve impulses executed by one human brain per second
Why it's important
One of the approaches to understand reality and rules of the universe is to build models of it, and observe such models and change them in a way we can't do in real life. And this is a very important method of understanding.
With flying alien - they can't do experiments on humans, just because they fly in space on their ship and humans fly on earth ship.
And because of that, aliens should build some models or sort and select some models they already have. They have at least one model, and it is a model of them selfs.
By model I mean not only the current state of their existence but also their past, how did they become to live, from atoms to live.
We do not have such model, in great details, but we definitely have some pieces of that model. Also, we have more than one model, answering the question how did we come to live. And we had them, so long how long exists our species. One of the kids questions is: where I'm from.
Even bacteria have model of universe, which it uses to find food. It have no clue about fact of existing of that model, but bacteria uses it to their advantage. I mean any have at least some part of model incorporated by them selfs. And it makes no difference do they know or not about it or they just use it. These models are different in sizes, as I may describe them, but maybe they are same size each and each is fully describe the universe as some advanced alien may say. But somehow they are different, why not by size - it isn't important.
How I describe that difference, isn't important, but what I wish from them is, because my Will will determine our future interactions with this set of atoms. And knowledge will tell, what to do, to get certain results.
Xeno psychology is a hard topic to talk, and it is not the complexity of that topic by itself, but where you are on that subject.
Xeno psychology topic is very simple indeed.
god censure department
after that there was an atom, he met another atom, bunch of them and after some time he made bonds with other atoms.
And after this long story, everything gone wild and pretty complex from our standpoint of view.
I mean there are some rules in this house, and we name them physics, chemistry, biology, astrophysics, mathematics etc. And these rules are for everyone, as we think at the moment.
We can make god model where will be all sorts of creatures that may exist.
Probably this model will be big, will take some time to generate - what we may do to reduce time and efforts and data - let say we strike out all creatures that are not connected to intelligence live. Yes, we have to have some criteria for intelligence, and aliens from question have such criteria because they are decided there should exists some intelligent creatures nearby. Probably such criteria will strike out also bunch of another intelligent creatures, who do not use radio as we do, who do not have 4 legs 4 arms as we do, 2 legs 2 hands sorry misspoken, or whatsoever.
So, yes we exchange precision of our model for it to be more reasonable and useful and practical size for us to handle.
Disclaimer - I do not talk about emulating the Universe, or any sort of theories connected or derived from that concept, but about determining some probability's of something to exists, and properties of that something. It may and is another sort of reduction. It's like fractal, you may detalize it as deep as you need.
Do we have to have such still big model?
No. Probably set of rules to generate that model again, will be way much smaller then result of those models by itself.
How it helps?
We may keep one model we like to work with and set of rules to generate the rest. So when we discover something that do not fit our working model - we may run our model generator and begin to pick stuff that may describe our observation. Let say we got something that fits in our model and describes observation, we keep generator still running but it find nothing. More it works and more it's still nothing more certain it is that what we have found is the cause. We add that set of data to our model, but because we didn't run our generator until end (and actually we never did that) we mark this data by some probability for future use. So if we discover another set of observation which do not fits in our model, and with data set we added recently specially, so it may be because we waited not long enough to find real cause of first observation, strike that recent data set, run generator again and wait until another data set will be found.
Scientists are such sort of model generators, they generate models based on observation and other models. Some of them we add to our general model, some we take out of the model - but overall we extend our knowledge and our model. We have some rules to handle it, how to operate it etc.
Aliens and their poor 1 Pflops
I don't know guys, but if you fly light years away from your home to understand another, totally new and unknown set of information, I expect you to be more prepared for that event. And even not because it makes sense in terms of achieving your goal of understanding, but because Live of your entry civilization may depend on how well you did that "understanding" process.
There is something big to think about.
Big Thing
- First of all small note. To understand some difficulties that are on the way to understanding, someone do not need aliens from neighbor star, ask people who works with people - they tell you everything about, but how you interpret that information is up to you. And probably any was an object of misunderstanding, or misjudged them selfs.
- Or just by reading that, high probability you did not understood something, because I used my reduced models and you have your own models which looks similar, but are not quite same internally as I meant.
But what if 2 civilization in a situation where 2 models are totally different, is that a problem for understanding.
No, yet not a problem, because base of our model is exact same (probably, with high probability). And it is no even big bang base, but chemical and thermonuclear reaction as we Know from our observations are same in far far freaking far(and this time it's really freaking far) far away from us are same. We know even more More, far far back in time they are also the same.
I do not why, but that did hit me Laniakea Supercluster (we are here in that cluster if you not familiar with that everything) which is part of way more and bigger structure by itself. About redshift wiki and redshift calculator converter to statue miles here
Maybe because it's so boring and astonishing at the same time.
So our direct observation tells us how it was in time and how it is in space - about atoms and that stuff.
- as far as we can see there will be no possible live (from common materials, and as far as we know it now) which do not share some common base with our civilization. Actually that fact played numerous times in SciFi to be some sort of key to understanding. Science bro.
- I will not talk here why Carbon based live is more way more likely then not carbon one. (model shows)
- I even will be not surprised if in some cases technology development will be similar, there are some key discovery and approaches made possible all we have now. I talk even not about fire or wheels but this as example three plate method or that discussion about Three plate method for true square surfaces?
You can be without fire(sort of) but technological development will have method of making flat surfaces, and at some point it will be Principle of Flat Surface Generation something like that, it may look different, like machines which do nothing, but it's not important because you will recognize the result, and how it's done.
- yes there may be biological civilization etc etc
You will recognize them by their fruits. Matthew 7:16
Where is big thing, though.
The problem isn't understanding, but Will.
Let say you try to understand another civilization, and you picked wrong methods for that and accidentally killed half of that civilization. Big problem? Hmm, not yet. The problem begins when you not able or have no will to change methods, or when you not able to understand grasp the fact that you are losing information by that type of actions.
And this is the Start for Big Big problem.
Let say another example, something like pikachu wish to understand humans, and his method of doing this is saying to each people what he says, each time he can. And we for some reason do not have goals to understand him, I do not know why, let say we all think it's result of genealogical creation from corporation X, and we already know about him everything, and nobody noticed that it's not true (impossible situation for us, but for some reason, for simplicity it happened).
How long it will take for us all to decide that pikachu is just noisy animal(which is for some reason not investigated, hmm, strange, we should know about his internal structures and how he operates ... censure by corporation X)? Even if it have space ship - I may make space ship for my virtual dog, why not? It will fly trough space, look at new places, wonder how big is that house, and where hides master, and then I woooph hello doggy and ..... and so on.
So for how long? - just for so long enough, until any human will know what to expect from that pikachu.
So if aliens are not flexible enough, not lucky enough wrong civilization type, not experienced enough, wrong methods etc, not smart, too suspicious etc etc. Yes they may fail. Not because it's hard to understand, but because of them self's. Destruction of expedition is actually not big deal for relations for both civilizations. Even war isn't big deal - it also may be method of understanding. But you should feel where to stop, and change method.
Goal of understanding Aliens
There is only one goal, extend you universe model.
Which form it takes: technology exchange, knowledge, war - is not important. More peaceful ways may be preferred because the destruction of information works both ways and your model can be destroyed, and that nullify all your actions, everything you have done to build that model. Not mean everything will be peaceful but less destruction less probability to be destroyed.
What gone wrong with aliens from the question
They took way much reduced and simplified the model, and they are not experienced in other civilizations, probably it was first one.
They fly with reduced models, only tech tree and rules for generator to establish here some computer center with 1025 Flops and quantum coprocessors over 9000 Flops each to run model generator. But accidentally they were confused with some pirates and were destroyed by Network it just so happened, there are some rules u know.
But they did good, Network council got information about their existence and send them green peace people, who were sad about destruction of that alien ship, for future contact development. Network council send expedition on 0.99c to that alien star, That's why no one has forgotten his goal and what to do next.
Also were sent expeditions for all stars nearby alien star, just as for information support and running model generators from the energy of that star, in case if they are free, or if not, then also making contact.
There were also probes sent, to be recon for expeditions, expeditions should be able to prepare them self's for different scenarios, taking information from recon probes into account, keeping the connection between expeditions and sending information to Network council.
This also was reason for Network council to decide take some actions inside our system, like get and utilize all energy from our sun, disassemble Jupiter for fuel, send expeditions for surrounding stars, all stars in 50 light years around, establishing their computer centers and using all their star energy, to generate models from alien remains, by that establishing Interstellar Network to counteract and understand.
Actually, there was some cascade of different actions, everything Network council was not sure about in the past, or lazy to do, or deemed as not necessary to do. Aliens existence was like throwing a big rock in a tiny pond. Aline figure sales skyrocketing, games kill the alien, love the alien, teach alien wisdom, Mad Scientist discovers the Truth rumors, even a small war happened (Goons won).
There is some informational problem
Decoding signals is some problem, but not big one, 1PFlot isn't enough for that, but in early stages technology was pretty limited with what can be done, and how it could be done, and determine possibility's is easier then generate biological creatures as example. Which we also may have to generate for determining possible tech evolution of that civilization. So signals are not big deal, maybe also some encrypted too. They should fly and collect all information they can, and probably not with one ship but Set of them, forming big interference receiver, some 100 a.e. receiver dish or more if needed. If you are not ready for space scale actions, but too curious to stay home until you will be ready, then be prepared to give you destiny in hands of another civilization and prey you ancient gods for they be smarter then you and worthy of that gift, and be it a gift for them, and you lucky enough.
Just get to the system, stay, observe, and wait until senpai will notice you, stay alive. The last one is very important, it shows you reaction on possible methods they may use to understand you, and that will show you are not like other matter, you different from any typical substance they may seen before.
If you have to destroy something, to stay alive, destroy it.
If you have to kill, kill. Not you choose methods.
Do what you wish to do, react. But be not super excited with destruction, be flexible change you strategy. it may be so that they are not excited about your existence at all, so maybe go home for a while to think, work with models etc. Prepare better, if they are able to exist as whole, there is something they like, there are ways to deal with them.
- If we're going to be damned, let's be damned for what we really are. STNG
This model isn't full, and some sort one sided, something I skipped for shortening that story, something I have forgotten, something I do not know, something is wrong. But I give it as it is, GNU power.
TV Series: Star Trek: The Next Generation
There is some interesting literature about problems of understanding, not in order, all are good:
A Deepness in the Sky by Vernor Vinge
Echopraxia by Peter Watts
Роза и Червь by Роберт Ибатуллин
Here you can play God for creatures with simple and clear rules, and get some grasp of evolution processes, if you observed it less than 2 months for 24/7 so it may be so that you waste your life just now, sorry no offence, but really just try to understand their live, they are aliens, here it is critterding
It much more fun if you may grasp programming involved and tune it for your self's.