I know that on a binary planet you would have planetary eclipses (basically like a solar or lunar eclipse but with planets instead of moons).
If there also is a moon, things would be much more complicated.
With a binary planet and 1 moon you could get:
- Double lunar
- Lunar + solar
- Lunar
- Solar
- Double solar
And with the double eclipses you basically have these factoring in:
- Type (partial, penumbral (total but in penumbra), and total for lunar and partial, total, and annular for solar)
- Visibility from planet (both from 1 or 1 from each)
- Periodicity (how periodic the eclipses are - which I think would be almost or absolutely periodic in binary planets)
But would a lunar eclipse generally be visible from each planet and same for solar or would it vary a lot (taking the moon's path into consideration).
I think it would vary a lot since I think the moon would move in a figure 8 around the planets.